Chapter 1223 Can You (10)

He said, "My family, Si Si, is so cute."


Sheng Huai quickly left under the escort of a group of people.

When he left, he was still sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, coughing lowly, like a sickly beauty walking out of a painting.

Gentle and gentle, in the crowd of cold-faced bodyguards in black, she looked particularly abrupt and eye-catching.

Before leaving, he glanced at her and seemed to be smiling at her.

It's really like a big sheep, gentle and harmless.

After watching him leave, Yun Si looked at the information he left behind.

He took away the two marriage certificates, and he only left her with such things.

It is said to get to know each other first and enhance the relationship between husband and wife.

As for the wedding ring, he said that he would give it to her when it was ready, so that she should not worry.

"." Actually, she felt that he was more anxious.

The assistant who had been waiting outside saw the group of people leave, opened the car door, and sat in the driver's seat.

While fastening the seat belt, look behind.

"Boss, how did you meet Mr. Sheng overnight?"

Forgive him for being really curious.

Without raising her eyelids, the woman on the back seat flipped through the documents in her hand and asked softly, "What? You know Sheng Huai too?"

The assistant's eyes widened: "Boss, don't scare me, don't you know Mr. Sheng before?"

"Is it strange?"

"Of course it's strange!" The assistant suddenly became very excited.

"Boss, don't you know that Mr. Sheng is a well-known investor in the financial world, and his assets can be multiplied several times every day?"

".is that exaggerated?"

The assistant patted the steering wheel and became anxious.

"Boss, that's Mr. Sheng! As long as he invests in the stock he likes, it will immediately skyrocket like chicken blood!"

"You don't even know. Before I heard that Mr. Sheng was going to invest in Shengshi Real Estate, I immediately followed suit. Although it was a bit late in time, I still made a lot of money in the end! I made a full [-] yuan! All overnight! !"

"." The woman in the back seat was finally willing to look at him, "How much did you invest in?"

"Ten thousand, [-] came back in the end."

This rate of return is simply insane.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, and her eyes fell on the information again.

The above did not say that he is specialized in investing, but that he is a small retail investor and his hobby is playing stocks.

Dog man, really.
"What else do you know?" She asked while flipping through the pages.

The assistant answered immediately, like a flood, incessantly.

"Boss, do you know Lin's Group? It is the one that has cooperated with us before, but the attitude is very domineering."

"Lin Dejia, the chairman of the Lin Group, is Mr. Sheng's father. Boss, let me tell you, the relationship between their family is very chaotic, and they can be called a rich family."

"When Lin Dejia was young, he married Mr. Sheng's mother, Sheng Xiumin, and gave birth to Mr. Sheng the next year."

"It's just that the good times don't last long. No one knows what happened. Mr. Sheng's mother has mental problems. She often goes crazy, and news broke that she abused Mr. Sheng."

(End of this chapter)

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