Chapter 1225 Can You (12)

She is beautiful, but she is extremely dangerous, especially the long and narrow eyes that seem to be smiling but not smiling.

It seemed that nothing could be hidden from him, and it seemed that everything was under his control.

He picked up the phone and flicked it with his slender, white hands.

The other party also sent a picture of her leaning on his shoulder.

She hugged his arm, her smiling eyes were curved, her lips were red and her teeth were white, smiling like a little fox.

She said: "This is the photo you asked for just now, and I sent it to you. By the way. In my heart, you are the prettiest."

In the end, she made a gesture of love.

Mr. Sheng lowered his eyes slightly, his slender white fingers rested lightly on his legs, and the corners of his lips curled into a seemingly invisible arc.

Soon, the other party sent another message.

"Mr. Sheng, I've read your profile, and I'm honored to be your wife."

"In the future, if there is something I did not do well, please give me advice."

Polite and serious, but also revealed an inexplicable cuteness.

Mr. Sheng seemed to be in a good mood, and he typed every word patiently.

Gentle and gentle, still in the harmless tone of a sheep.

"It's my honor, Si Si."

"In the future, please give me more advice."

He Qi sat next to him, and glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.

He sat carelessly, and sighed in surprise: "Finally caught up?"

"She is really willing to marry you, an old fox?"

Mr. Sheng put down his phone and squinted at him.

The tone of voice was a little careless, and the ending sound was slightly raised, which seemed to be a little distracted.

"What? Think I can't catch her?"

He Qi snorted and ate ice cream.

"Don't tell me, based on what I know about you, I really thought you couldn't catch up with her before."

"Didn't she publicly say that she likes gentle, careful and considerate men before? How could she fall in love with a cunning old fox like you?"

"Tell me, what did you do last night? Why did she become your wife overnight?"

"Could it be that there is a deal between you?"

Mr. Sheng lowered his head and sneered, picked up the red wine glass beside him unhurriedly, and took a sip.

With a loose posture and an indifferent expression, he said slowly: "There is no deal, she is my wife."

"When you meet her another day, remember to call sister-in-law, don't scare her."

He Qi: "."

"I will scare her?" There was disbelief in his tone.

"Sheng Huai, who is going to scare her, you don't know?"

"If I tell her that someone has been secretly in love with her for a long time, collects information about her every day, buys all the houses near her house like a pervert, and often visits her secretly under her company, who is scared? Who!"

"Oh?" Mr. Sheng said casually.

"You can try."

A word that is neither serious nor serious, with no emotion.

But all of a sudden, it was as if he had pinched He Qi's handle, making him choke and stopped talking.

What to say?
He was able to sneak out of the house this time because he got Sheng Huai's permission to board his private jet.

Otherwise, he will definitely be dragged back by his father's ear, forcing him to learn those annoying things.

Now that he is living under the fence, although he is dissatisfied, he still dares not speak out.

Whoever let it go, Sheng Huai was his financial backer father.

While digging ice cream to eat, He Qi muttered, "Sister-in-law is so pitiful, she's being targeted by a psychopath."

(End of this chapter)

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