Chapter 1230 Can You (17)

It was so pleasant and satisfying, the unprecedentedly intense burning sensation in the chest expanded infinitely, almost swallowing him in it.

He smiled gently and lowered his eyelashes, touching her face as if touching a porcelain doll.

Like a sickly obsessed idiot, doing everything he wants to the gods in his heart.

Undisguised, even more and more excessive.

Her eyes were closed, her breathing was shallow, and she was clearly asleep.

Under the light, her snow-white skin is like creamy white jade, and her soft lips are still bright red even without lipstick, like petals in full bloom.

Mr. Sheng has a cold light on his shoulders, a gentle smile, and looks as charming as an angel.

However, at this moment, he is like a crazy mental patient, holding his medicine, venting his suppressed emotions for a long time.

The person in his arms closed his eyes, quietly, unaware.

Without knowing it, he was lying in the arms of a pervert.

And that pervert is still invading her life bit by bit.

On the second day of staying at Sheng Huai's house, Yunsi managed to get up late.

When he woke up, Sheng Huai hadn't woken up yet.

He didn't seem to have the habit of getting up early at all, hugging her and sleeping like a soft and harmless big sheep.

Under the messy broken hair, there is a fair forehead, elegant and beautiful eyebrows.

It seems that he is born with a gentle and approachable temperament, so even when he is asleep, there is a feeling in him that makes people want to get close.

Can't help but want to do something on his fair face.

Yun Si leaned on the pillow and looked at him quietly.

Because she just woke up, she always felt in a trance.

I always feel that when I wake up, the scene where he appears in front of my eyes is like a dream, very unreal.

She slowly stretched out her hand and gently brushed away his broken hair.

The man is as fair as jade, with a straight nose and light lips.

He was wearing an extremely loose pure white long dress, and because it was too loose, half of his shoulders were exposed.

Pretty and casual, with a halo on his shoulders, he has the feeling of a sloppy boy in Japanese manga.

Yun Si stared at him and couldn't help grinding her little canine teeth.

Probably because he looks so gentle and flawless, she always has an itchy feeling in her heart.

Too good-tempered, gentle and clingy.

This kind of temperament, like a light and fluttering feather, keeps flirting at the tip of her heart.

Teasing and teasing always made her feel itchy.

Make her always want to do something to him, just like how she treated Jiu Ge back then.

The little goblin once deeply reflected on herself, and felt that this was not good, and she couldn't always bully him just because of his good temper.

Maybe it's because she has that cruel and evil gene in her bones.

As long as she sees his pure white and beautiful appearance, she will want to destroy him.

Want to drag him down, into the quagmire of desire.

Contaminated with that charming and gorgeous color, it is difficult to extricate herself, sinking under her skirt.

Yun Si slowly touched his face, her eyes turned red if not visible.

Until his long and soft eyelashes trembled, it seemed that he had the intention of waking up.

Only then did the little goblin restrain her gaze and return to normal.

Looking at him with a smile, she leaned over to kiss him.

Someone gentle and gentle finally woke up.

He opened his slightly foggy eyes, his eyelashes drooping softly, and the arc at the end of his eyes was extremely beautiful.

It looks pure and innocent.

(End of this chapter)

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