Chapter 1235 Can You (22)

The eyes of the man holding the bouquet of roses lit up when he saw the wavy back.

Like an arrow shot out, it rushed straight over.

"Miss—Miss—" He ran fast and his voice was loud, echoing in the empty and silent parking lot.

Yun Si didn't stop walking, but Ning Wen turned her head and looked over.

Seeing him rushing over, Ning Wen hastily stood behind Yun Si and stopped him.

"Sir, sir, calm down—"

This damn pervert, why is he so strong?
Ning Wen almost couldn't stop him.

"Miss, miss, please give me some time, I have something to say to you—"

The thin-looking man looks like a Teddy when he gets excited.

Unable to stop him, Ning Wen could only drag him stubbornly behind.

"." Yun Si's footsteps finally stopped.

With stiletto heels and a slim suit, she slowly took off her peaked cap and turned around.

Snow-skinned red lips, gorgeous features, and charming peach blossom eyes should be charming curves.

But now, her expression was too indifferent, looking at him like looking at a dirty puppy on the side of the road.

I can't say I hate it, but I definitely can't say I like it.

He waved his hand to Ning Wen, signaling him to let go.

The man was free, and immediately rushed to her with a bouquet of roses in his arms, with an eager look on his face:

"Miss, I'm sorry for what happened before, I'm really sorry, please don't be angry, I will never do it again, I will never dare again, so please forgive me, okay?"

"." The beauty glanced at the rose, but didn't answer it.

"Understood, I forgive you, you can go."

The man still shook his head, his eyes were red.

"Miss, I... because I couldn't talk to you—Boss Wang has been forcing me to pick up other customers, and he also said that I will pay for all the losses that night."

"But——I don't have any money. I don't want to pick up customers either. Ms. Yun, please do me a favor and tell Boss Wang for me. I'm willing to repay you all the time. I——I'm willing to do anything for you of--"

"Miss, I beg you, I know a lot of things, please give me a chance, so that I can repay you, please tell Boss Wang, I don't want to pick up customers—"

"." Yun Si glanced at Ning Wen.

Ning Wen accepted, picked up the phone and called the security guard.

As the man said, he wished he could stuff rose flower essence into Yun Si's hand.

"Miss, how about this, please give me a few days to try, I promise you will be satisfied, and I will try my best to repay you—"

Yun Si's forehead bulged.

After Ning Wen made the phone call, he immediately pulled the man away.

"Sir, our boss knows what happened to you, and we will deal with it afterward. Please don't go too far."

"What do you know! Have you ever tasted what it's like to have no money?!" He yelled instantly.

"You capitalists, one or two, what's the difference!?"

"Isn't it lustful and greedy for money!? Come on! Come on! Why don't you come after I've delivered it to your door!?"

Holding the rose, he lost control of his emotions quite badly.

His face was red, his face was full of tears, and he was so embarrassed that he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

The bouquet of roses has been torn apart because of being torn vigorously, and the wilted petals fell to the ground.

Being stepped on and crushed, it was like his self-esteem had no bottom line.

Yun Si remained expressionless, turned around and left.

Leaving Ning Wen still entangled with him, the security guard rushed over from the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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