Chapter 1239 Can You (26)

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, the sky was dull, and there were lightning flashes from time to time.

Sitting in front of the glass window of the villa, Mr. Sheng quietly looked out of the window. The screen of the mobile phone on his lap was turned on, displaying a map.

On the map, a small red dot stayed in a certain place for a long time without moving.

The cold and handsome Mr. Sheng sat quietly, like a cold and white sculpture.

The red dot on the phone was flickering, his eyes were drooping, his long eyelashes were lowered, and the slightly drooping eyes had soft curves, white and beautiful with an inexplicable innocence.

He stared at the red spot quietly, and nodded with his cold and slender hands, as if he wanted to call.

But she once said that she doesn't like a boyfriend who is too clingy and always calls her.

Be gentle, patient, tolerant, and not lose your temper.

Mr. Sheng's long and narrow pupils were pitch-black, revealing a sense of coldness and indifference in the rainy night, without any trace of warmth.

Sitting in a wheelchair, her brows and eyes are slightly gloomy, with a sickly pale beauty, like a faint poisonous snake.

The cold white fingertips touched the red dot, and tapped continuously, with a slow rhythm, as if counting down.

Finally, the red dot moved.

Start moving in the direction of the villa, the same as before.

Mr. Sheng turned his gaze out of the window again, his eyes were clear, cold and emotionless.

The red dot on the phone kept moving, his eyes were dark, and in the shadow reflected by the glass window, he felt an extremely cold and suffocating feeling.

It seems that the mood is extremely bad, manic to the extreme.

Mr. Sheng is very quiet, his back is thin, and he is very beautiful.

The slender and fair hands slowly curled up and clenched into fists, his eyes were slightly closed, and the coldness in his eyes was gone.

Incomparably silent.

When Yun Si came back, she was a little wet.

It was raining heavily outside, and she was too lazy to hold an umbrella, so when she came back, her little suit was inevitably stained with rain, half wet and half dry.

She pushed her hair behind her ears, and while changing her shoes, she looked at the hall.

"Mr. Sheng, I'm back."

She put down her bag and walked in with her slippers on.

Seeing that gentle and beautiful figure sitting quietly by the glass window with a book in his hand, Yun Si didn't go over.

Not wanting to disturb him, she took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and went straight upstairs.

"Mr. Sheng, I'm going to take a shower first, see you later."

The fair and silent man looked sideways slightly, his soft and thick long eyelashes drooped, and his lips were pale.

The woman's casualness and expressionlessness made him slowly lower his head without saying a word.

The corners of the pages of that book have been crushed by him, and the slender finger bones are trembling and white due to excessive force.

Like beautiful fragile china, pale and terribly beautiful.

He lowered his eyelids, listening to the closing of the bedroom door, and remained silent without saying a word.

His eyes were gloomy and gloomy, as if a thick ink color was slowly spreading in a cold shell.

It was very cold.

The rain outside was still falling, and the rainwater hit the glass windows, converging into small streams and flowing down slowly.

In the quiet living room, only the pattering rain echoed outside, coming from all directions, giving off a cool feeling.

He bowed his head, maintained the same posture, and sat quietly for a long time.

Until I heard the sound of the door on the second floor.

The door opened, and she stepped on her slippers and went downstairs briskly, with very light footsteps.

But it could still clearly reach his ears step by step.

As if stepped on the apex of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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