Chapter 1241 Can You (28)

"Where did this flower come from?"

His voice was hoarse, hiding some indescribable emotion.

Yun Si was stunned.

"What, what's the matter? You don't like it?"

Not seeing his happy expression, her bright eyes dimmed suddenly, a little disappointed.

When the bouquet was put down, the man's cool and white hand suddenly held her down.

The voice is low, the eyebrows are gentle, and the eyelashes tremble slightly.

"No, there is no dislike."

"Very, very beautiful."

He stretched out his hand, and gently touched the blooming stamen with his cold fingers.

Very light, very light, as if it was broken.

He is very gentle, looking at the flowers tenderly, his eyes are almost overflowing with tender affection.

Bowing his head, his thin lips gently kissed the petals.

Looking up at her, the beautiful phoenix eyes are slightly curved.

"I like it very much. As long as it is yours, I like it."

The voice is soft and soft, as if there are thousands of emotions hidden in it.

It's unbelievably soft-hearted.

"." Yun Si blinked and laughed.

"Even if I say, I picked up this flower randomly on the road, do you still like it?"

"I like it." With his long eyelashes drooping, he gently kissed each flower.

The gentle and tender appearance, as if kissing her, made one's heart skip a beat.

There is an inexplicable sweetness.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Si couldn't help coughing lightly, and took the flowers away.

With a stern face, Wei Wei leaned forward to bite him, seeming a little unhappy.

"You are not allowed to kiss them in the future, if you want to kiss, you can only kiss me."

"." The beautiful and white man's eyes were gentle, and a soft smile melted away.

"Okay." He hugged her, gently brushing the broken hair around her cheeks.

Rubbing his palm, she continued, "But if you like it very much, I can give you a bunch every day."

"Currently, the premise is that you can only kiss me, not flowers."

Seeing him kissing the flowers so tenderly made her feel uncomfortable.

Even if it is part of her body.

"Okay." He was gentle and gentle, still talking like a sheep.

Responsive, extremely gentle.

Only then was Yun Si satisfied.

She said: "Sheng Huai, the reason I came back late today is because I wanted to pick a bunch of flowers for you."

"I had chosen roses, but"

She frowned, as if thinking of something bad.

"I don't like roses, so I didn't buy them."

"Anyway, don't mind if I come back late, okay? I will try to come back on time in the future."

She can always be so considerate that it makes people's heart warm, and her enthusiasm is so hot that people don't know what to say.

Mr. Sheng finally smiled.

Gentle brows and eyes, cold white skin lined with pale crimson beautiful lips.

Laughing silently, the long and narrow eyes are slowly curved, the arcs are soft, and there is endless warmth in the coldness.

He hugged her very tightly.

Smiling, leaning on her shoulder, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and were gently buried between her collarbones.

The breath is shallow, warm and soft.

"Okay, I won't be angry."

He said softly.

Yun Si tilted her head slightly, as if she didn't understand what he was laughing at.

After all, she just explained it routinely, because subconsciously, she always didn't want him to think too much.

Afraid of misunderstanding.

She is a troublesome person, and she doesn't want any grievances between the two of them, so she always reports habitually.

see him so happy now
(End of this chapter)

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