Chapter 1247 Can You (34)

"." She was still a little uncomfortable.

In the past, he never let himself wear such revealing skirts.

how now
The gentle and gentle Mr. Sheng stretched out his hand to help her straighten her shoulder straps.

The long fingers slowly slid down and landed on her slender waist, and squatted down to help her straighten the skirt.

The woman's two white legs are as white as jade, and below them are delicate and fragile ankles.

Like a trembling delicate little white flower, it is so beautiful that it has a strong sense of unreality.

It looks like it could break if touched.

Mr. Sheng stroked her leg slowly, his eyes became darker and darker.

The thick fog was heavy, covering all the emotions in the phoenix eyes.

Yun Si put her hand on her chest again, covered it, and whispered, "Sir, I don't think this one is very good, why don't you change it?"

The gentle and gentle Mr. Sheng lowered his long eyelashes, blocking the depth of his eyes.

When he stood up again, he looked at her gently, his voice was low and soft, with an indescribable coaxing voice: "It's okay, this one is fine."

"It's beautiful, I like it very much."

He hugged her gently and pulled her into his arms.

With a little force, Yun Si could smell the cool breath on his body, which was warm and gentle, just like him.

She blinked her beautiful eyes and stopped talking.

Hugging him quietly, the gorgeous skirt intertwined with the coldness of his body.

It is extremely abrupt, but there is an inexplicable coordination.

As obedient as a little rabbit, Mr. Sheng gently stroked her smooth back, and slowly kissed her cheek.

The woman is fragrant and soft, gorgeous and delicate, and her beautiful eyes with rippling water are always looking at him crookedly.

The joy in his eyes was clearly visible, and he never concealed it.

His eyes were drooping, and the hand on her waist tightened even more.

The long and lingering kiss fell quickly, making her beautiful face turn red and soft, and the fragrance on her body became more and more intense.

Yun Si didn't know how she changed from trying on dresses to lying on the bed.

He kept kissing her, making her dizzy and her heart beat so fast that she even forgot to refuse.

In the end, there was a ripping sound in the air, and her exposed dress fell apart in an instant.

Her originally misty eyes cleared up for a moment, and she pushed the person who was pressing on her, and said in a charming and low voice, "skirt skirt"

"Never mind it."

The gentle and gentle Mr. Sheng was so hoarse that he pressed her hands aside.

"I'll change another set tomorrow, be good, don't move."


Why does she have the feeling that he is taking advantage of her in the name of trying on dresses?

She blushed and bit her lip.

as predicted.

The next day, Mr. Sheng brought her a more revealing set.

Yesterday was clearly an evening dress with off-the-shoulder and high-cuts. Although it was a bit exposed, it still looked more formal.

But today, her entire back was exposed, and the overly slim tube top mermaid dress perfectly outlined her figure.

One point more is not much, one point less is not much.

Charming, gorgeous, radiant and moving, she is really the alluring vixen in Liaozhai.

Just a casual glance can seduce a man so that he can't move.

Mr. Sheng looked at her very uncomfortable, holding his chest while holding up the hem of the skirt, for fear that he would not be able to hold up the skirt without suspenders and cause him to lose his nakedness.

Even though it was tried at home, only he was watching.

But she was still very uncomfortable, gorgeous and compelling, and shy with a kind of ecstasy.

She raised her eyes to look at him, her bright and beautiful eyeballs trembled, and she whispered weakly: "Sir."

(End of this chapter)

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