Chapter 1254 Can You (41)

Yun Si curled her lips and touched it, but said nothing.

He put his eyes back on the computer's surveillance video, his eyes were indifferent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Three in the afternoon.

Sheng Huai came suddenly.

Without any prior notice, he came directly to Yun Si's company.

When it appeared in the underground parking lot, the car that had been in the corner all the time, the people inside reacted instantly and hid under the position.

Not daring to look up, the two of them breathed lightly and remained motionless, waiting for Sheng Huai to leave.

He got out of the car and took the elevator up quickly, seemingly not noticing that there was someone in the car at the corner.

Mingyan stretched out her head, looking left and right.

Seeing him leave, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat back in his seat.

"Get up, everyone is leaving." He said to Cang Ming.

Cang Ming was cautious and glanced around again.

After making sure everyone was gone, he sat in the passenger seat again and collapsed on it.

"Damn, why is he here?"

Ming Yan took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, took one, and put it in his mouth.

"If he came to pick up that woman, wouldn't we have been waiting all day for nothing?"

Cang Ming didn't speak, and turned his head to glance at the roses on the back seat.

Concentrating on it, murmured: "Oops."

In case Yun Si told him about it, he would deal with it immediately.
They didn't want to confront him.

"It's really driving! Let's go first!"

". Now?" Ming Yan looked at him, smoking a cigarette.


Cang Ming was quite decisive.

If you don't leave now, I'm afraid we will run into each other later.


The car starts immediately.

When Sheng Huai appeared in the office, Yun Si was not there.

After a while, she stepped on high heels and stepped out of the elevator vigorously, followed by two assistants.

"Xiao Zhang, you are in charge of coordinating the situation with Mr. Liang, and let me know if you have any questions."

She handed over the file.

The assistant stood up and took it.

"Boss, Mr. Sheng is here."

Yun Si stopped walking: "Now?"

"I came here 10 minutes ago, saying I came to see you."

The assistant was told before that if Sheng Huai came, let him in directly.

Now he is the only one in the office, and the assistant even brought tea in.

Yun Si hummed to show that she knew, and soon walked into the office.

The two assistants who followed her returned to their seats, curious.

"By the way, the boss seems to be very close to Mr. Sheng recently. What is the relationship between them? Could it be that they are in love?"

".You don't know? The boss is married to Mr. Sheng."




Three pairs of eyes looked at Ning Wen.

"You all don't know?" Ning Wen didn't expect the boss to tell them yet.

"The boss and Mr. Sheng have been married for a while, and you haven't read today's news? The media has reported it."

The three assistants immediately picked up the phone.

Sheng Huai's marriage was explosive news, and the media did spend a lot of space reporting it.

(End of this chapter)

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