Chapter 1256 Can You (43)

Yun Si snorted, took a sip of his tea from the cup in his hand.

It's warm and cool, and it's bitter green tea, which she doesn't like very much.

She stuck out her tongue and stopped drinking.

She turned to kiss him, seeming to prefer the taste of green tea in his mouth.

He slowly put his hand on her waist, caressing her, but he didn't speak.

Yun Si kissed his lips until they were slightly swollen, and then she backed away in satisfaction.

"Don't worry, I won't cheat."

"One of you is enough, another one is too much."

She scratched his chin like teasing a cat.

It made him bend his phoenix eyes, and quietly leaned over to rub the tip of her nose.

Gentle and gentle, it still looks like her favorite big sheep.

Yun Si talked with him for a while, and then mentioned the sudden stroke of the chairman of the Lin Group.

She saw these news when she came to work in the morning, but he was not there, and she didn't want to bother calling him to ask him.

Now he happened to be here, so she casually asked about the situation.

But I don't want to, the gentle and gentle big sheep just sits there, the tails of the eyes are slightly drooping, the long eyelashes are soft, and there is a sense of dazed innocence.

She was as beautiful as a young man ignorant of the world, cold and clean, as if she would always be her favorite appearance.

Said in a low voice: "I don't know, Si Si."

"I don't know why he had a stroke, Mingming. I just said last night that I miss my mother."

"." Yun Si leaned on the desk, raised her eyebrows, and looked at him leisurely.

The big sheep sat there obediently, raised its clear and beautiful phoenix eyes, and met her gaze.

He has a gentle temper, bright red lips, and soft eyes.

So pretty that she didn't show a hint of aggression.

"Si Si, don't you believe me?"

he asked softly.

"I'm your closest person, don't you believe me?"

While speaking, there was an inexplicable feeling of sadness.

Like a wronged little daughter-in-law, he looked at her tenderly.

"." Yun Si smiled, but didn't speak.

In front of him, turned the computer screen to him.

On it was a suppressed report.

Few people paid attention to it, but it showed on it that ASY Fund bought the shares of Lin Group at a crazy low price when the stock price of Lin Group plummeted.

Like a giant gold-swallowing beast, it took advantage of the opportunity to enter and loot.

Swallowed 30.00% of the shares of such a large enterprise, and became the major shareholder of Lin Group.

As for the ASY fund, others may not know it, but he once listed all the companies under his name for her.

And among them, ASY happens to be there.

Yun Si leaned against the table and looked at him intently, as if waiting for an explanation from him.

After all, if the old fox didn't pull his tail, he might really plan to keep pretending and tell her if he wasn't going to.

The man's clear eyes fell on the computer screen, he did not speak, and slightly raised his eyebrows.

The narrow and slightly drooping phoenix eyes glanced calmly, and then looked at her again.

The cold white and slender hands were placed on the lap, quietly, still not flustered.

Instead, he said softly, "Si Si, I'm a businessman, so naturally I go wherever there is profit."

"No matter what happens, my first judgment is how to get the most benefit from it, so that I can make the fastest and most correct decision."

(End of this chapter)

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