Chapter 1266 Can You (53)

After going down the stairs, Yun Si realized that Sheng Huai was not there.

It was rare that he didn't cling to her when she was resting.

Yun Si took a bottle of water from the refrigerator, drank a couple of sips, and moistened her throat.

As soon as the refrigerator door was closed, there was a beep of the combination lock at the door, and the door opened.

Yun Si knew that he was back, so she didn't look at it either.

I walked into the kitchen, washed two dishes, and prepared to cook breakfast.

The man's footsteps came from behind.

Yun Si washed her hands without looking back, "I'm cooking noodles, do you want to eat?"

Footsteps stopped behind him, but there was no sound.

The woman was wearing a short suspender skirt, with curly hair, and a tall and slender body.

Wearing home slippers, her legs are long and white, beautiful and casual.

She was talking, but she didn't hear his answer, so she was about to turn her head.

In the next second, he stepped forward quickly and hugged her from behind.

Buried deeply on her shoulder, hugging her tightly, still not saying a word.

But the breath on his body is gentle, not as gloomy and violent as before.

Yun Si thought that he was upset again, so she shook off the water droplets on her hands, and then patted his head with a smile.

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

The man said nothing, but the arms around her waist tightened even more.

There is an inexplicable force.

"..." Yun Si blinked her Yingying eyes.

After a pause of two seconds, she relaxed her body, leaned slightly on him, and looked sideways.

"I'm resting today, can I stay with you at home?"

There was a bit of flattery in her tone of voice.

"Is there anything you want to do? Together?"

He didn't speak.

He just hugged her tightly, and his warm breath fell on her bare collarbone.

Very quiet, and there is a kind of silent gentleness.

It was like a feather gently brushing past, itchy and extremely soft.

After a long time, he said:
"Everything is fine, just listen to you."

His voice was low, and it seemed that he had deliberately suppressed his hoarseness.

Slowly holding her hand, fingers clasped tightly, the soft breath on her body wrapped her, it was cool and comfortable.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

This is not like his style at all, it is really rare...

She hooked her lips and nodded: "OK."





On this day of rest, for some reason, Sheng Huai became very gentle.

It seems to have returned to the appearance of a big sheep before, gentle and gentle, even speaking softly, as if afraid of scaring her.

After dinner, Yun Si sat on the sofa and watched TV.

The latest news of Lin's Group was broadcast on the TV. It said that the group's board of directors had undergone a big change. The new chairman was the founder of ASY Fund. His name was very strange, not Sheng Huai.

Yun Si held the fruit plate and looked at it with relish.

The TV continued to broadcast.

Despite such a big scandal before, and consumers insulting Chairman Lin, for some reason, Lin Zhihan, the son of the former chairman Lin Jiade, is still the new president of the Lin Group.

Amidst the scolding, Lin Zhihan's inauguration scene was shown on TV, his complexion was quite bad, and he lost a lot of weight.

Walking is light, without much strength, it seems that the physical condition is not very good.

I don't know what Sheng Huai did to him after she hit him with a brick.

Yun Si inserted a piece of freshly cut apple into her mouth, and turned to look at the man beside her.

He just sat there with a book in his hand, reading it quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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