Chapter 1269 Is it OK (End)
"..." She hummed, avoiding his hot breath in her ear uncomfortably.

The crystal white ears trembled and seemed to be red.

The man laughed, and his arms became more and more vigorous.

Yun Si was buried in his arms, unable to see his expression at the moment.

I just felt that he seemed to be back to the way he was before.

In the extreme gentleness, there is a strange feeling of tearing.

As if such an appearance should not appear on him.

He picked her up, supported her, got up, and went into the bedroom.

The curtains were closed at some point, as if blown by the wind inadvertently.

Yun Si was pressed on the bed and took a distracted look.

When she felt a powerful force fluctuating in the air, her face was snapped back before she had time to think about it.

"Hey, focus on it."

Mr. Sheng, who didn't have to restrain himself, acted extraordinarily tough.

Yun Si: "..."

Mr. Sheng is very tough, but still very gentle.

Warm long fingers gently clasped her hand, pressing it on the bed without much strength.

Treat her like you would treat a piece of fragile china.

When the soft kiss fell, it was like a spring breeze blowing under the warm sunshine.

Landing on her face, eyebrows, nose, lips, he kissed them one by one, carefully and meticulously.

Yun Si broke free from his hand and hugged his neck instead.

Clinging to him, like a kid who can't get candy, coquettishly moaning, "You are mine, hold me tight."

Extremely domineering.

The gentle and good-tempered man gave a low smile and hummed.

Do as you please.

He tried his best to please his wife.

"I'm yours……"

Forever and ever, it's all yours.

He panted slightly, and the corners of his eyes turned red for a moment.

The smile is calm and cold.





The next day, she went to work refreshed and refreshed. Yunsi had no back pain, no sore legs, and was in excellent spirits.

Mr. Sheng watched her go out and kissed her gently.

Smiling and looking at her, it was too warm.

Yun Si was driving, and when she was about to enter the underground parking lot, she glanced at the location of the flower bed.

There should have been an unyielding figure squatting there, seeing her car and chasing her like a fly.

But today, unexpectedly, the fly did not appear.

Yun Si slammed on the brakes, slowed down the car, took another look at the flower bed, and glanced around.

He is gone?

The goblin who wanted to snatch the flower from the beginning: "." What's the situation?
She looked around, but still didn't see anyone.

Frowning, she didn't think any more, and drove into the parking lot.

After getting out of the car, Yun Si looked at the corner over there.

The car was gone, which meant that the two flies were indeed gone.


She said to herself, with a bit of regret.

It's a pity, she should have done it sooner.

Otherwise, the baby will be hers.

Yun Si felt a little regretful.

For the next few days, the two flies never appeared again, and they disappeared together with the car.

Without a trace, it seems to have left this small world.

For this reason, Yunsi also checked the monitoring, but for some reason, the monitoring of the underground parking lot was broken.

The workers never came to fix it, so the surveillance was kept off and nothing was captured.

Yun Si had no choice but to give up.

Missing such a magical treasure made her heart ache for several days.

The only consolation is that her Mr. Jiasheng is really too gentle, he is extremely considerate to her, and clingy is just right.

She has returned to a normal person again. She will not check the guards like crazy every day, and she will make delicious snacks for her to eat.

Be gentle everywhere, indulge her, and speak softly.

Yun Si finally lived a few days of free life.

Mr. Sheng may have a hidden dual personality.

A week later, Yun Si came home from get off work.

When he opened the door, he met Mr. Sheng's gloomy and depressed face.

Mr. Sheng stood at the door, dressed in white and black trousers, looking at her gloomyly, his beautiful eyebrows and eyes no longer had the softness of the past.

"." Yun Si took a step back subconsciously.

This action seemed to have directly angered Mr. Sheng who was already on the verge of extreme emotions.

He pulled her in, and the door closed behind him.

There was a deafening bang, just like his mood at the moment.

"Where did you go?"

He was checking her post like a lunatic.

The little goblin who was forcibly picked up: "."

She seriously suspected that he had schizophrenia, and it was intermittent.

When cross-examining carefully, not even a minute is bad.

Yun Si was silent for a long time: "Why don't you... you should restrain yourself?"

She was wrong, she still likes the gentleman and polite Mr. Sheng.

The gloomy Mr. Sheng pinched her waist coldly, gradually increasing his strength.

"Can you say that again."

He hardly concealed his rage.

Yun Si: "..."

This... madman!
(End of this chapter)

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