Chapter 1280 Overgrown (10)

Liang Yu'er asked, "Yunsi, do you have any good ideas?"

"What good idea can she have?" Lin Zigang sneered.

The man with the ponytail shook the ends of his hair slightly.

Putting down the binoculars, he paused.

"Did you feel...someone was watching us—"

Before she could say anything, she heard Song Dewen who was weeding in front of her yell.

Shouting in panic, the weeding knife fell, and he ran back frantically.

"There are... there are... there are... dead bodies—"

Everyone stood up at once.

No one paid attention to Yun Si's words.


Liang Yuer ran over.

Li Zongze followed closely behind.

Song Dewen probably had never seen a corpse before, so he was frightened and hid behind Lin Zigang, his face pale with fright.

Trembling and trembling, I couldn't even speak.

Lin Zigang snorted coldly, "Look at how promising you are!"

He also walked over.

Yun Si stood where she was, as if she had sensed something, she suddenly looked behind her.




Song Dewen was right, there was indeed a thick bone lying in front of him.

Maybe it's because it's been too old, and the clothes on it are rotten.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be a soldier who had been dead for many years.

Weeds grew from under the bone, and the skull was facing the direction they had come from.

The bones on his body are still intact, and there is no sign of being bitten by wild animals.

When lying under the grass like this, if you look away, it is indeed a bit creepy.

Li Zongze and Liang Yuer glanced at each other.

"This should be the army that was sent here to search."

Li Zongze glanced ahead, his face became a little dignified.

"It is said that 3000 people were sent here, but in the end, none of them came out alive."

"A reconnaissance plane has been monitoring the sky, but the [-] people disappeared after entering here, and the communication devices they were wearing also lost their signal."

"The reconnaissance plane couldn't contact them, and it was useless to shout in the air. No one came out to respond to him."

"Now that I think about it, I might have died here."

Liang Yuer picked up the dilapidated walkie-talkie on the ground and looked at it.

"What now?"

"Do you want to take a detour?"

Li Zongze shook his head.

"This road is the closest, and it's the most convenient way to go."

"It's just a bone, don't worry about it, just keep going."

Liang Yu'er didn't speak, and left the walkie-talkie.




A group of people continued to walk forward, weeding the weeds, and heading towards the laboratory.

Along the way, with the appearance of the first skeleton, more and more skeletons appeared in front of them.

In twos and threes, they all lay in the grass, letting the flies fly all over the sky.

The postures of the corpses were different, and the walkie-talkies were also scattered all over the floor.

Just like that, he was exposed in the wilderness, and he didn't even know how he died.

Li Zongze became more cautious and slower as he walked.

The group of people did not speak, even Lin Zigang, who usually loves to scold mothers the most, followed behind in a well-behaved manner, looking around.

The sky gradually darkened.

Even though the distance was less than ten kilometers, they walked for a whole day.

Song Dewen still followed closely beside Liu Wuhui, carefully walking around the scattered bones on the ground, his legs were weakening.

Yun Si walked last, alone, looking behind her from time to time.

The more empty there was behind her, the more she felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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