Chapter 1282 Overgrown (12)

"..." Liu Wuhui had no choice but to stay.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he is indeed about to be bitten to death by mosquitoes.

I don't know what's going on with these mosquitoes, and they are not afraid of mosquito repellent water.

He rushed forward like crazy, biting and swollen his skin one after another.

It was shocking.

Liu Wuhui had no choice but to go back and quickly set up a tent.





Yun Si pushed aside layers of weeds that were taller than her, and walked straight forward relying on her feeling.

It's very dark here, so dark that you can only hear the buzzing of mosquitoes in your ears, but you can't see half of them.

She walked slowly, shining a flashlight ahead of her.

The bright light was blocked by the hard weeds, and it was still impossible to see the front clearly.

She had to push through the layers of grass and move forward with difficulty.

It was too quiet around, no wind, no cicadas, only the sound of her footsteps.

She walked calmly, step by step, to an unknown place.

Finally, she pushed aside the grass layer, and the light shone forward.

A grimace suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Caught off guard, it appeared almost instantly.

Drops of bright red blood slowly fell from the skull.

It was wearing a meticulous suit and stood in the grass.

He just stared at her motionlessly, with a weird smile on his face.

The jaw was parted slightly, exposing shriveled teeth.

A gust of wind came from nowhere, blowing slowly.

The smell of corruption is strong in the air.

On its chest, there is a piece of paper.

The paper shook slightly with the wind, making a slight noise.

There are still big bloody characters on it.

Impressively written——

Trespasser, die.

"..." Yun Si narrowed her eyes slightly.





The tent was set up in no time, and there was plenty of space inside, just enough to accommodate six people.

Yun Si hadn't come back yet, and several people sat in the tent to avoid mosquitoes.

They formed a circle with each other, several pairs of eyes looked at each other, listening to the crazy buzzing of mosquitoes outside, the atmosphere was inexplicably heavy.

After walking for a whole day, few people ate almost nothing except water.

But even so, no one was hungry.

Just sat quietly like this, not talking.

It was too quiet.

Song Dewen looked outside, as if he had thought of something, and asked, "So, what happened at the beginning?"

"Why, everyone who came here died?"

"Could it be that there are viruses or poisonous gas in the air here?"

"Or is there something else hidden here?"

His teeth chattered as he said this.

After seeing the bloody corpse all day today, he was really terrified.

Hearing Li Zongze say that there were no survivors back then, he was even more panicked.

I always feel like I've walked into a ghost den.

A haunted den with its mouth open, waiting for its prey.

Lin Zigang sat next to him, so it was rare that he didn't laugh at his timidity.

His eyes were also on Liu Wuhui, and he pushed him with his shoulder.

"Hey, is there something you haven't told us yet?!"

Liu Wuhui closed the book and looked at him blankly.

"What else?"

"It's this island. What happened back then? Why did so many incredible things suddenly happen?"

"Could it be that you crazy scientists have come up with something that made everyone on this island sick and dead?"

Liu Wuhui was slightly silent.

(End of this chapter)

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