Chapter 1284 Overgrown (14)

"It wasn't until that news appeared that my teacher found me, hoping that I could go to the island and help him find out the truth of the year."

He was silent for a while, and continued, "Before I set off, I went to the teacher and wanted to ask what kind of experiment Chekley was secretly doing back then."

"But the teacher still didn't tell me. He just said that I would know when I entered the laboratory."

"He hoped that I could bring back some useful things, such as the research samples from that year and various documents."

"That's why I said I don't want a bonus because my mission is different from yours. You are going to get the documents needed by the government, but I am going to get what the teachers need."

"That's all I know, really only a little bit, and nothing more."

"..." Lin Zigang couldn't help but swear, "Damn, the more you talk, the more panicked you become?"

"What can there be here? Isn't it just a bunch of tattered equipment and some small viruses?"

"I told you, it seems like this place is haunted."

Hearing this, Song Dewen froze.


His teeth were chattering.

Lin Zigang kicked him again, "Fucking shit, where are the ghosts in this world?!"

Before the words finished, Li Zongze immediately covered his mouth.

With a dignified look, he motioned for him to look outside.

Song Dewen sat there with stiff limbs and trembling fingers.

Eyes stare, teeth chatter.

Slowly stretched out his hand, trembling violently, and pointed behind Li Zongze.

There, I don't know when, a skull was posted there.

Through the breathable tent, the skull slowly stuck to the tent cloth.

The outline is clearly visible, and it seems to be dripping with blood.

Drops of bright red blood, like rain, fell on the white tent.

The icy red smudged, the shape of the skull, with its mouth open, seemed to be biting the tent cloth.

Just rubbing against each other, making a small noise.

Song Dewen rolled his eyes, fainted from fright, and fell on Liu Wuhui's body.

Everyone was shocked.

Soon, not only the skulls protruding from behind Li Zongze, but also the tent cloth behind Liang Yuer.

Those dense bones lying on the ground during the day seemed to be resurrected at this moment, and they kept looking in through the tent.

In all directions, around the tent.

Lin Zigang was so frightened that he took out the knife in his backpack, looked at the skeletons that kept coming in behind him, covered his mouth, and didn't dare to make a sound.

Li Zongze quickly turned off the lights in the tent.

Inside the tent, it was suddenly plunged into darkness.




Darkness is the best protective color, but it is also the color that can most magnify the fear in my heart.

I can't see anything, I can't see my fingers.

The more this is the case, the more tense people's emotions become, and the hairs stand on end.

Five people sat in a tent, sitting in a circle, back to back.

Everyone took out their knives and dared not make a sound.

Just looking at the continuous sounds coming from outside the tent, the sound of bones rubbing against the cloth, the sound of pushing, the sound of shriveled teeth clicking.

Rao Lin Zigang was so courageous that he couldn't stand it anymore.

Holding the knife tightly, his legs trembled violently.

Even holding the backpack, shaking his teeth, behind his back; sweating profusely.

He lowered his voice and asked tremblingly, "This... what is this?!"

"'s not really...really—"


(End of this chapter)

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