Chapter 1297 Overgrown (27)

It seems...he is indeed a simple kid.

Yun Si was lying there, and suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Yingsheng, the outer layer is wrapping paper. If you can't eat it, remember to throw it away."

Still only her voice, surrounded by dead silence.

But Yun Si knew that he would eat it.

Children who have never eaten candy will naturally be curious about candy.

She waited quietly for a while.

Wait for his reaction.

After an unknown amount of time, the thick vines pressing down on her seemed to move.

In the next second, a powerful vine emerged out of nowhere, wrapping around her waist.

It circled her like a rope that couldn't be pulled, and the slender vines got into her pocket.

It seems to want to see if she still has candies.

"..." Yun Si was tickled by the vine, and couldn't help reaching out to press it.

"Yingsheng, I don't have any candies anymore. The candies are all at home, and I don't have any."

She couldn't hold back the fluttering filamentary vines.

She wanted to move, but the vine was thinner than her hair, so she nimbly got in and avoided her hand.

Yun Si was so itchy to scratch.


The ground shook again.

Even her body trembled slightly.

She felt that the vine slowly hooked her finger after searching it.

Entwined, gently and softly, quietly.

Like a child holding an adult's hand.

Yun Si felt that she had succeeded, and captured a simple and innocent child with candies.

She blinked, and quietly hooked the thin vine.

Soon, her eyes were blindfolded.

His sight was blocked by the soft and boneless vines.

She could feel the oppression on her body slowly disappearing, and the vines that had piled up together seemed to be receding slowly.

The vines around her waist surrounded her, as if they wanted to send her somewhere.

She was blindfolded and could not see around.

The only thing that can be felt is that the surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower, as low as nearly ten degrees below zero.

The smell of disinfectant was also getting stronger, mixed with the freezing temperature, she seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar full of corpses.

It was as if there were thousands of pairs of eyes staring at her, which was extremely penetrating.

I don't know how long it took.

The vines that entwined her finally let her go.

She was barefoot, standing on a cold and slippery ground.

The ground was sticky and slippery, like soapy water spilled on the ground.

The vines in front of her slowly moved away, and all the restraints on her body were gone.

She opened her eyes slowly.

Then, he met those dark green foggy eyes.

The eyelashes are long, and the eyes are dark, like a treacherous demon imprisoned in hell for a long time.

Just looking at her like this, nose to nose.

It seems to be sizing up, and it seems to be malicious.

She froze slightly.





Liang Yu'er and Li Zongze fled all the way and went back along the original road, supported by the two of them, both suffered serious injuries.

The vine, as if consciously, played with them as little white mice in the corner.

Liu Wuhui was directly stunned by a giant vine, and was thrown into the air, the surrounding vines caught it, and then he was thrown on the beach where they came.

As for the two people who deliberately set fire, Vine was not in a hurry.

It is obvious that they can be killed directly, but they are not.

In this way broke one man's left leg and another man's right leg.

(End of this chapter)

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