Chapter 1308 Overgrown (38)

"Then how much do you want?"

Li Zongze looked at him, "How much do you think a person who has given up on the mission can get?"

Song Dewen blushed slightly, "Yes, I gave up the mission, but didn't you give up too?"

"Yesterday you said that you would go back after three days of rest. Didn't you two give up the mission too?!"

"It's the same as giving up. How can you get so much money? I only need 50 yuan?!"

Liang Yuer sneered, "We almost lost our lives because of that document."

"As for you, you said you were going to give up before you arrived, and ran back alone in despair. Not only did you not get hurt at all, but you could also enjoy the benefits."

"Giving you 50 yuan is considered to be the most benevolent, Song Dewen, don't be shameless."

"..." The frail Song Dewen slowly clenched his fists.

So bullying... so bullying...

The cowardly and timid Song Dewen looked at them with poison in his eyes.


Liang Yu'er kicked over with one kick, and said in a bad tone, "Damn, why don't you try to stare again?"

"Stare again!"

"Still staring!?"

"If you have the ability, just get off the boat!"

Liang Yu'er stood up with a cold tone.

Li Zongze remained silent, but obviously, he was on Liang Yuer's side.

The three of them broke up because of money matters.

Song Dewen sat down again, hammered hard, his eyes were gloomy.





The sailboat soon set off, leaving the dreaded Chakli Island.

Standing on the deck, watching the overly quiet island get farther and farther away from them, and finally turned into a small dot and disappeared on the horizon.

Liu Wuhui's heart, which had been hanging all this time, slowly let go and returned to his chest.

He looked over the stern.

The weather is fine today, Yun Si often basks in the sun and breathes, but today...

She seemed to have been in the room the whole time.

Except for coming out in the morning to cook some porridge, I haven't come out since then.

Also don't know what to do in the room.

Liu Wuhui scratched his head, took off his glasses again, and wiped them off.




The journey back was long and long.

The sailboat was floating in the sea, walking steadily, and the turbulent waves slapped on the windows of the cabin.

Through the window, people inside can see the sea water swaying and the waves splashing.

The clear turquoise blue is mixed with sunlight, bringing a salty and cool atmosphere.

It's as if you can smell it through the window.

The pretty teenager sat on the bed and watched quietly.

The dark green pupils, without blinking, stared at the sea water constantly beating outside the window, as if thinking.

Living underground for many years, he has never seen sea water, nor has he seen such a wonderful picture.

He watched, quietly.

Behind him, Yun Si was slowly combing his curly hair with a comb.

After leaving the nutrient solution, the smell of disinfectant on the boy's body gradually faded.

Smell it carefully, it seems to have a fresh and pleasant smell of green grass.

It comes out naturally, and there is such a faint smell on the neck.

Yun Si gently combed his hair. Seeing him staring at the window, she blinked and approached.

"Do you want to touch it?"

"That thing tastes bitter and salty. It's not delicious, but it will be fun."

The boy's round pupils moved, his long and thick eyelashes drooped, and he looked at her quietly again.

(End of this chapter)

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