Chapter 1313 Overgrown (43)

Yun Si was about to continue talking, but Professor Bruno suddenly looked at Liu Wuhui.

"Xiao Liu, you go out first, I will talk to your senior sister alone."


Still holding a pen in his hand, Liu Wuhui stared blankly at the two of them.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

Picking up the teacup, he took another sip.

Liu Wuhui came to his senses, oh, and had no choice but to pack his things in disappointment, and left with his bag on his back.

Before leaving, he glanced back at the two people who obviously had something to talk about.

He scratched his head and muttered, "Is there something important you are keeping from me...?"




After Liu Wuhui left, there were only two people left in the office.

Professor Bruno raised his hand, indicating that she could continue talking.

Yun Si slowly put down the teacup and said, "Teacher, do you also think that the experimental subject did the skeleton thing?"

Bruno smiled, "Otherwise, who else?"

"There are no ghosts in this world, everything must be man-made."

He is a scientist and never believes that there are things in the world that cannot be explained by science.

So it must be man-made.

Yun Si nodded.

"But... there's something strange about it."

Bruno looked at her and said:
"The experimental subject is not such a patient person. Liu Wuhui said that you have received a total of three warnings. This is not like his style."

"..." Yun Si put down her cup and raised her eyes, "You mean..."

Bruno shook his head, "It's just weird."

"After all, the experimental subject hated everyone. I didn't expect that after hiding in that island for many years, his temper became better."

"..." Yun Si thought of a child at home who was still throwing a tantrum, so she didn't speak.

Listen quietly.

Professor Bruno continued: "What happened later? Didn't you successfully enter the laboratory?"

"I heard from Xiaoliu that the outside of the laboratory is full of vines, and they all grow from the inside of the laboratory, which means that the experimental subject should be hiding there. Why didn't you come across it?"

Yun Si slightly lowered her head, "That's right, teacher."

"After I went in, I found that the vines inside had been chopped off, and the nutrient solution was spilled all over the ground."

"In order to find the experimental subject, I went down every floor and searched everywhere, but I just didn't see any trace of him."

"Not only that, the laboratory is also very messy, and many materials have become old and illegible."

"The EX-level laboratory that conducted related experiments back then was also empty, and all of them were looted."

"I rummaged through all the drawers and in the end... could only find this."

Yun Si dug out a vacuum seal bag from her bag.

Inside, there was a crumpled piece of paper.

"Oh?" Professor Bruno immediately took over.

"What is this?"

Yun Si said: "This is the only relevant information left in the drawer, and it is the list of relevant personnel who participated in this project that year."

Professor Bruno took out a magnifying glass and looked at it.

It seems to be looking for whether there will be debris of the experimental body left on it.

Yun Si also put the experimental samples brought back on the table.

It was a short length of cane, motionless and lifeless.

But Professor Bruno is very excited, because he has been collecting information on this for a long time, but has been suffering from no samples to study.

Now that he finally has it, he can't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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