Chapter 1316 Overgrown (46)

Liu Meng looked at it, obviously suspicious, "No?"

It doesn't look like...

Just now she clearly saw her senior sister wiping his mouth.

How could siblings be so close?
She murmured to herself, not believing it at all.

Yun Si smiled slightly and didn't explain much.

Poured a glass of water and drank slowly.





The always well-behaved Ying Sheng began to lose his temper.

He even refused to feed her to eat, and refused to hold hands.

Sitting there with no expression on his face, he didn't even eat.

It was completely quiet.

When the food was served, Yun Si took the food and fed him.

He didn't eat, just stared at her coldly.

The thin vines emerged again.

Quietly, he emerged from under the seat and wrapped his arms around her ankles.

Yun Si's hands almost trembled.


Her legs were slightly stiff, and she wanted to move, but she was afraid of attracting attention.

The obedient boy just sat like this and didn't speak.

Looking away, he began to quietly stare at the steaming dishes on the table, as if in a daze.

Exceptionally silent.

"..." Yun Si put down her chopsticks.

The powerful rattan is tightening.

Tightly, as if venting.

"Senior Sister, what... what's wrong?" Liu Meng seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a little weird, and her voice was a little weaker.

"..." Yun Si smiled with a natural tone.

"Sorry, that..."

"My brother is afraid of strangers, can you... find another position?"

Liu Meng looked at the boy.

She is not ignorant, she can naturally feel that her arrival is not the right time.

She apologized: "Okay, I'll go now. I'm sorry, Senior Sister, for causing you trouble."

Liu Meng picked up her bag again, and bent over to her.

Yun Si sat on the seat and smiled.




After Liu Meng left, Yun Si suddenly grabbed Ying Sheng's ear.

"Yingsheng! Put your things away!"

The boy didn't speak, his slender and thick eyelashes drooped, and he didn't respond.

The filamentary vines only paused for a moment.

In the next second, the strength increased.

"..." Yun Si hissed, almost wanting to hit him.

There are so many people in the restaurant now that she can neither make big movements nor stand up.

Otherwise, the abnormality on his body will be seen by others, and things will become difficult to deal with.

Yun Si gritted her teeth.

"Yes! Live!"

this bad guy!
Some bad guy showed all his unhappiness, vividly.

Just don't talk, don't look at her.

Staring at the dishes on the table, quietly.

"..." Yun Si had nothing to do with him.

After a stalemate for a while, she barely softened her tone.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, okay?"

She moved closer, kissed him, and took his hand.

"..." Only then did the young man respond.

Turning his face slowly, those dark green gloomy round pupils looked at her quietly.

Pale, pale lips, no warmth.

The green vines around the ankles slowly loosened.

He raised his hand and touched her back with cold fingertips.

Hold it slowly, without using force.

Under the drooping eyelashes, the eyes were dark.

Not far away, while eating pizza, Liu Meng looked at the two people who behaved intimately, and couldn't help muttering:
"It looks like a couple, but they still say it's a younger brother."

How can a younger brother look at his sister like this?
She thought silently in her heart.





After returning home, Yun Si began to set rules for Ying Sheng.

She pushed him on the sofa, looked straight at him, and gritted her canine teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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