Chapter 1327 Contaminated (2)

"Master, what kind of sorcery did the people in Fusang Palace cultivate? How could they become so powerful all of a sudden?"

"That's right, that An Chi was seriously injured last time, and it was rumored that he was going to die soon, why now—"

Nie Shiye stroked his beard slowly, looked at the deep and silent canyon, frowning silently.

Thinking of something, he hurriedly asked: "How is fellow Daoist Weng? The injury is serious?"

Just as he was speaking, the disciples of Haoran Taoist School ran over in a panic and grabbed Nie Shiye's hand.

"Master Daoist! Come and see our master—Master—he——"

The disciple could no longer speak.

Nie Shiye's expression changed.

Back at Fusang Palace, An Chi was obviously in a good mood.

The maids parked the sedan chair on the flat and open martial arts platform outside Fusang Palace.

Male and female indistinguishable, the man with enchanting figure, twisting his waist, walked into the tall and quiet Fusang Palace without haste.

The well-maintained long hair was entangled in his fingers, he walked through the gate of Fusang Palace, bypassed the Zhumen Qi Pavilion, and smoke curled up like a woman, walking quietly.

The maids of Fusang Palace were all dressed in uniform green clothes, and when they saw him, they all saluted.

The Great Protector was in a good mood, and when he saw the beautiful maids, he didn't forget to touch their pretty faces.

After a few words of teasing, the dark-patterned long clothes on her body were flamboyant and coquettish, extremely feminine.

Like a woman, but not a woman.

Soon, An Chi came to the main hall of Fusang Palace.

Under the double eaves roof of glazed tiles, the curvaceous figure stepped in, and the unrestrained expression on his face was a little less.

With a slightly serious face, she smiled like a girl and lowered her eyes, stroking her blue hair and saluting.

"Palace Master, everything has been dealt with. After Nie Shiye received my Bone-Stimulating and Ecstasy Palm, his internal strength has retreated at least three layers, not to mention old man Weng. I kicked him casually, and he fell unconscious. I don't know why It's not an act."

The indistinguishable voice deliberately squeezed her voice, it was delicate and soft, with a bit of coquettishness.

In the main hall, the fragrance is wafting, and the sweet and greasy smell permeates the air. It is too strong, and the sober consciousness will inevitably become a little dizzy.

The big protector stood there, looking at the person leaning on the soft bed under the crystal bead curtain, couldn't help but wink, and continued to stroke his long hair.

"Palace Master, why don't you speak, do you think that An Qi didn't do a good job?"

"." Inside the crystal bead curtain, velvet was slumped, and a figure in a bright red dress was leaning there with one hand, holding a book in his hand, and turning the pages leisurely.

The crystal clear crystal beads swayed slightly under the light and shadow, reflecting the hazy and overflowing colorful light.

Amidst the rising cigarette smoke, the woman in red took a sip of tea slowly, licked her beautiful lips, and said softly without raising her eyes:

"Those people are just toys to you, and letting you go is just to loosen your muscles and bones. I'm not worried."

So, what else does she need to say?
The beauty is naturally charming, with a snow-white complexion, and three thousand flowing clouds are pouring down her temples.

The charming and soft voice is like an invisible hand, touching the listener's heart vaguely.

An Chi seemed to enjoy her tone of voice very much, closed his eyes and listened comfortably, couldn't help exhaling, and his voice seemed to become softer.

He said: "The palace owner can praise Anji a lot. With the praise from the palace owner, Anji will definitely do his best to serve Fusang Palace in the future."

"." The person under the crystal bead curtain did not make a sound, but there was the sound of turning pages.

(End of this chapter)

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