Chapter 1330 Contaminated (5)

Because of the particularity of Yin Ci's identity, when he was brought back, An Yao directly placed him in the innermost and most secure place of the prison.

There are iron walls on all sides, and only a small window is left for ventilation.

Yun Si walked through the long passage, and the cells on both sides were empty, and those who were captured had already been sorted out, so it seemed extremely quiet here.

Dark Elf leads the way.

Soon, the arrested Qiankunzong disciple appeared in sight.

The outer disciples with low martial arts were put together, while the inner disciples and direct disciples were separated.

One by one, they all sat on the ground and meditated.

Only when they saw her appear did they stand up quickly one by one, staring at her with strong killing intent.

I can't wait to cut her into pieces immediately and throw her into the oil pan for frying.

"Devil! You have finally appeared! You bloody bastard, shameless bastard!"

"Bullying the weak, what are you! Let us out if you have the ability! Let's fight each other!"

"You Fusang Palace are a bunch of scheming beasts! Female devil, I curse you to die!"

"Bah! You mean woman!"

The Palace Mistress who was scolded as the head of the female devil had a cold face and fixed eyes.

It seems that those ugly words of abuse are not taken seriously.

She clasped her hands, and the gorgeous veil on her body bloomed like coquettish fresh blood.

Three thousand flowing clouds meander and pour down the temples, with stunning beauty and natural charm.

After passing by the group of people who were abusing and clamoring, she stopped and looked back with a smile that was not a smile.

The fundus of the eyes is thin and cold, the color of the eyes is cold, and the smile is treacherous, like a bloodthirsty goblin.

In front of them, she snorted and raised her fair and delicate hand.

Dark Demon immediately agreed and walked out.

The voice of the person who was still cursing suddenly stopped.

Looking at each other, they couldn't figure out the meaning of this female devil.

The female devil in a red dress continued walking along the long passage into the depths of the prison without saying anything.

Passing through the cages next to each other, she finally stopped in front of one of the cages.

His faint eyes drooped slightly.

A blood-phoenix tassel hairpin on the temple, swaying gently, with a graceful arc and a compelling fragrance.

She stood in front of the cage and quietly looked at the people in the cage.

In the cage, a thin man huddled in a corner.

His clothes were tattered, his body was also dirty, and his body was covered in black mud.

He curled up like an insecure little beast, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

Under the messy hair, a pair of extremely clear eyes stared at her like a pure deer.

There was no sound at all, it was quiet.

The glamorous Palace Mistress narrowed his eyes, folded his hands, and stood there, staring at him steadfastly.

In the silent prison, the sound of cursing became louder, and there seemed to be the sound of pulling, whipping and screaming.

The stern whip, with sharp barbs, slammed down fiercely with a snap.

Accompanied by the yelling and screaming, the man shrunk in the corner also seemed to tremble.

As if a whip had hit him, he couldn't help hiding.

Trembling, pitiful.

The palace lord calmly closed his eyes, and the expression at the bottom of his eyes.

After standing quietly for a while, An Yao strode forward, came behind her, and clasped her fists.

"Palace Master."

Seeing the stunning and charming Palace Master in front of him, he raised his chin slightly, gestured to the person in the cage, and asked, "Who is he?"

"Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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