Chapter 1346 Contaminated (21)

"Wait until I go to sleep first, and then come to play with you, okay?"

She still remembered it, and never forgot it.

A Li's eyes trembled, and he stared at her quietly.

The loss in her heart seemed to disappear in an instant in her soft voice.

Throbbing, the beating of the heart suddenly accelerated.

He lowered his head and hummed lightly, the corners of his lips slightly curved.

He carefully supported her, stood beside her, and helped her walk together.

"Si Si, I...I made a fox kite."

He whispered, his eyes brightened.


"Well, fox."

"Why a fox?"

His face burned a bit.

"Because Si Si is pretty."


"You look good."

He looked at him, then quickly lowered his head again.

His face turned red again.

Because she is beautiful.

Looks good. Like the vixen in the scriptures.

It's really nice.

he thought awkwardly.

The exhausted Palace Mistress came to the side hall, took a bath, changed his clothes, and fell asleep.

I was so tired that I didn't even want to speak, my eyelids were heavy.

Ah Li knew that she was tired, so he squatted beside the bed and gently covered her with the quilt.

She closed her eyes and buried half of her face under the quilt.

The delicate eyebrows were dyed with heavy tiredness, and the dark blue under the eyes was light, which was particularly conspicuous on the fair skin.

Ah Li was very distressed, squatting there watching, not knowing what to do.

He knew that she cared about Yin Ci, but he didn't expect that she would do this for him.

Obviously, that man is not nice at all, and he doesn't like her either.

It's not worth her doing this at all, and tiring herself like this.

Ah Li stared blankly at her, and an inexplicable emotion slowly emerged in his heart.

It's like knocking over a seasoning bottle, it's sour and astringent, and it hurts a little.

It seemed that it shouldn't be like this, she shouldn't like others like this.

Ah Li lowered his eyes, blocking the dim light in his eyes.

Quietly, squatting there, like a puppy that has fallen out of favor, obviously lost and wronged, but doesn't say anything.

He lowered his head, entangled his fingers, and remained silent.

After an unknown amount of time, a soft and delicate hand silently landed on his head.

He rubbed it lightly, as if with a sigh.

"A Li, don't be unhappy, okay?"

"." The eye sockets of the man with his head down suddenly turned red.

Crouching there, the back is aggrieved.

Quietly wiped the corners of his eyes, extremely quiet.

Yun Si lay there, watching him quietly.

Gently touched, pursed lips.

He was not happy, and her heart ached.

This is the resonance, again between him and her.

I don't know why, but anyway
It still hurts her.

The dense stabbing pain made her feel the loss and emptiness in his heart.

She was silent, closing her eyes.

Also don't know what to do.

After all, she couldn't figure out his identity.

Yin Ci is Jiuge, she must be right.

As for him.
He has the breath of Jiuge on his body, but he has no soul.

Three souls and seven souls, none of them.

He doesn't look like a human, nor does he look like a ghost, nor does he look like a god.

It was really weird, so weird that she didn't know what to do with him.

However, when he was sad, she would also feel distressed.

I can't help but want to comfort him and make him happy.

Now that the resonance between the two appears, it means that he is also Jiuge.

(End of this chapter)

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