Chapter 1359 Contaminated (34)

Yun Si stared at the wall for a long time.

Because she was thinking of someone behind her, and she was always thinking about A Li, so she didn't feel sleepy all the time.

Occasionally her body was sore and she wanted to move her limbs, but she rubbed them silently without making a sound.

After lying down for a long time, she thought about A Li.

Although Ah Li didn't die, but only survived in her body, after thinking about it, she still felt a little disappointed.

At the beginning, I clearly promised to treat him well, but in the end...

I always feel that I owe him something.

Yun Si sighed inwardly, she pressed her head against the cold wall and said nothing.

After lying quietly for a long time, until the light outside was about to turn on, she felt sleepy.

His head swelled slightly, and he yawned silently.

Closing her eyes, when she was finally going to sleep, she squeezed her sore shoulders and did not forget to tuck her quilt back.

She thought vaguely in her heart that she wouldn't sleep in this bed even if she died tomorrow.

After lying down all night, I felt uncomfortable all over.





After Yun Si woke up, she slept until noon.

The sun was high, and no one came to call her.

Until he finally woke up, hugged the quilt, opened his eyes, and saw the empty space beside him, Yin Ci was not there.

So, she closed her eyes, rolled comfortably, occupied the whole bed, and continued to sleep.

He didn't realize at all that what he was laying on was Yin Ci's pillow.

In the afternoon, the Palace Mistress went to visit the seriously injured An Qi.

An Chi suffered serious internal injuries and was leaning on the bed, his face was pale and bloodless.

His hair was messy, but he kept combing it and looking in the mirror.

Obviously the most nervous thing was his appearance.

The palace lord stood in front of the bed, looking at him, wanting to laugh.

An Yan looked at her in the mirror and thrushed her eyebrows, and glanced at her casually, annoyed: "What? Don't hang out with that little boy, and suddenly have time to see me again?"

".Anji, speak well."

He snorted secretly, and took a closer look at the shape of his eyebrows.

"However, I heard An Yao say that the little boy is willing to stay. Looking at it this way, could it be possible... Lord Palace Master, you really took him down?"

"You don't look like you want me to take it?"

"Why? I'm too happy to be happy."

An Chi put down the mirror, raised her orchid fingers, and was coquettish.

"If he can really be taken down by you, Palace Master, it means that there is another layer of protection in Fusang Palace."

"That Yin Ci, although he was hidden from the world in his early years and rarely appeared, but I fought against him yesterday, and I know a thing or two about how deep his inner strength is."

"Although I became his defeated opponent, I have to say that I still like to fight against such a person. I always find it very challenging."

An Qi squinted his eyes, with an expression of enjoyment.

"When you, Lord Palace Master, take him down and become your male favourite, I will be able to discuss with him whenever I have anything to do, so that the days in Fusang Palace... will not be so boring."

"You think so? My lord."

Yun Si twitched the corners of her lips: "...boy...favor?"

"Of course, otherwise, could it be possible that you still want to marry Yin Ci, Palace Master?"

An Chi snorted coldly, continued to pick up the mirror, and looked at himself.

"It's not impossible to marry, it's just that Yin Ci is arrogant and arrogant, and he may not be willing to agree."

"After all, he is a man, how can he talk about marrying?"

(End of this chapter)

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