Chapter 1362 Contaminated (37)

"...But, Si Si, didn't you know when those two demons came to steal the divine power?"

Xiao Taosheng asked curiously.

"It stands to reason that you should be able to detect them immediately, don't you know about this?"

Yun Si patted her little head.

"Of course I know. After observing for a few days before, I wanted to do it."

"They didn't dare to get close to Jiu Ge, for fear of disturbing their spirits, so they came to me, and they also brought a divine weapon with them."

"Speaking of which, I'm quite curious about that thing. Judging by their appearance, there should be a way to exchange divine power for magical power."

"It's just that later, when I wanted to do something, they suddenly disappeared and never appeared again."

She originally thought that they were afraid and did not dare to show up again.

Now that Taosheng said turns out that they are dead.

And he still died from the backlash of power.

Yun Si was thoughtful.

Tao Sheng let out an oh, understood.

"That's right, how dare they steal the young master's divine power in person?"

"Young Master's divine power has been inherited from the Creator God, and the power is so powerful that no one can bear it."

"You said they didn't think about whether they could bear it before they came up with this idea."

"It's fine now, I can't bear it, I died, and I made a lot of noise about this matter."

"Si Si, you have to be careful next time. There are many people who covet the identity and status of the young master. You have to be careful of the people around you."

"." Yun Si raised her eyebrows, "You really should be careful."

"After all, they are afraid of Jiu Ge, but they are not afraid of me."

If he really came here, he would probably only come to provoke her.

She tapped her finger, lightly and delicately.

In the evening, Dark Elf sent a letter.

Qiankunzong sent a letter, the words in the letter were sincere, and he wanted Fusang Palace to return Yin Ci.

Before the several sects came to Fusang Palace, they were all defeated by the four guardians of Fusang Palace without exception.

Now that everyone dare not come rashly, the old head of Qiankun Sect was also helpless and sent a letter again.

The palace lord opened the letter and glanced at it casually.

Then at night, when changing medicine for Yin Ci, he gave him the letter.

The deserted beauty paused for a moment when her eyes fell on the letter in her hand.

The beautiful long and narrow phoenix eyes looked at her lightly, as if not understanding what she meant.

The palace lord sat opposite him, put down the letter, poured a cup of tea, and said, "This is a letter written by your head, I hope I can let you go."

"I thought about it carefully. If I wrote back saying that you are recovering from your injury and will come back after a while, your sect leader probably won't believe it."

"So, it's better to let you reply to the letter."

"It's better for you to write one with your own hand than for me to write hundreds of letters, isn't it?"

She drank tea, moistened her throat, her eyes were clear and natural.

The deserted beauty on the opposite side glanced at the torn envelope, but said nothing.

Instead, he looked at her quietly, with deep phoenix eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

The Palace Mistress waited for a while, then put down the teacup.

"It's getting late, if you want to reply, please reply tomorrow."

"Since you are injured, go to bed early, and I won't disturb you. I will sleep in a side room today."

She stood up and gave him a slight blessing.

After walking out of the door, her tense shoulders relaxed and she let out a breath.

The ice beauty in there, when he was alone with him, looked over with a faint look, and always felt that his back was cold and could be frozen to death.

(End of this chapter)

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