Chapter 1364 Contaminated (39)

In the end, someone who wanted to sow discord, lowered his head and got out of bed silently.

After putting on his shoes, he left Taosheng's room following the cold man.

Immediately, the door of Taosheng's room closed with a "bang--".

The voice is extremely loud, and I don't know how unwelcome she is.

"..." Yun Si unconsciously touched her nose, looked at Yin Ci who didn't say anything, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

I don't know how much he listened to the sticky words he deliberately said to Taosheng just now.

In case you hear it all...

Yun Si felt dizzy for a while.

I saw the man walking in front suddenly stopped, and his cold phoenix eyes swept over lightly, with cinnabar at the end of his eyes, which was cold and glamorous.

Yun Si immediately stopped, blinked her eyes, and looked at him innocently.

"Follow me what to do?"

His voice was cold and terribly pale.

"Why don't you go sleep with your little one?"

he asked without emotion.

Yun Si: "..."

It's over, I heard everything.

A certain person who was not heartless and complacent just now is lowering his head at this moment, twisting his handkerchief, not speaking.

Like a kid who did something wrong.

The man snorted moodily, turned around and left.

Yun Si, who lowered her head, immediately trotted to keep up.

"Yin Ci. Listen to my explanation. Those just now were just jokes, and there are countless things to do."

"I don't have a baby, ah, no, I have a baby, and you are my only baby, really."

"Yin Ci, I was wrong. I will not sleep with her in the future, and I will never say that kind of thing again."

She subdued and apologized all the way, but she didn't have the lazy and complacent look just now.

Following the deserted man, he returned to his palace.

Taosheng was lying on the edge of the window, watching a good show.

Looking at someone who was so arrogant and flamboyant on weekdays, she looked like a little daughter-in-law at this moment, with her head lowered, and followed behind.

After witnessing the whole process, she laughed unkindly.

In fact, it's not that she didn't hear Yun Si's provocation just now, but she just wanted to take the opportunity to gain momentum.

Unexpectedly, the son suddenly came.

Looking over with a fluttering look, the overly smug person immediately withered.

It was wilting like a day lily, and didn't dare to say a word.

Just now someone laughed at her for her lack of weight, but now look at her, isn't she also laughing at fifty steps?
Disappointed, he followed the young master away with his tail between his legs.

Taosheng shook his thin arms and legs, and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing their figures disappear, she closed the window and lay down on the bed again.

With crescent-like eyes bent, he looked at the man who hadn't spoken.

"Come up."

She patted the empty seat beside her and smiled.

Suli didn't want to leave. Before, she often stood there like a shadow, which could always scare her.

There was no way, she couldn't drive him away, and she didn't want to see him standing alone all night, so she allowed him to lie on the bed.

It was like this every night, and he seemed to be used to it.

He finally moved.

The dead and silent eyeballs moved mechanically.

Walk slowly to the bed, sit down, unbutton your coat, and take off your shoes.

Xiao Taosheng moved inside consciously, covered the quilt, and muttered:
"I don't know what will happen if Si Si goes back."

The young master treats her so tenderly, so he shouldn't treat her like that, right?
She poked secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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