Chapter 1366 Contaminated (41)

Yun Si had a comfortable sleep, nothing happened.

Getting dressed in the morning, Yin Ci seemed to be getting closer to her, with her hair hanging down and her skirts in a mess, but she helped her put on the dress first.

The beauty with cold eyes stood there barefoot, helping her to tie the belt of her skirt.

Yun Si looked at him through the mirror, only seeing the disheveled beauty, with red lips and white teeth, and bright cinnabar eyes.

Standing like this, helping her arrange her dress meticulously, without saying anything.

It gives people an inexplicable warm feeling.

Yun Si looked at him quietly.

After a moment of silence, she asked, "Yin Ci, have you considered it?"

"Are you willing to marry me and stay in Fusang Palace, or refuse and plan to leave directly?"

The deserted beauty snapped her fingers.

The knuckles are white, and the temperature of the fingertips is warm.

He lowered his eyes and said nothing.

After being quiet for a while, he raised his pitch-black Nongli's phoenix eyes.

Standing behind her, through the bronze mirror, the eyes of the two fell on the same place, and he asked lightly:

"Do you really, like me?"

Yun Si was startled.

Unable to figure out what he meant, she nodded.

"I really like it, only you."

His eyes were flat and dark, as deep as black mist.

With a mild smile, he lowered his eyes, caught a strand of her hair, and said lightly:

"I have served as the master of Fusang Palace, and there are thousands of men in the harem. Do you think I would be willing to be reduced to such a person who spends so much time fighting for favor?"

A desolate beauty, with a proud body and beautiful eyebrows and eyes.

Just like that, with the corners of his lips slightly pulled, there was no smile, and there was even a kind of sharp and sour irony.

For such a beauty who would rather die than be humiliated by others, if he was made to be the one in the harem of Fusang Palace, he would certainly not be willing.

He even felt that this would break his pride.

Yun Si looked at him through the mirror, remained silent and did not speak.

After a while, she nodded.

"Understood, you don't want to."

His eyelashes trembled, watching her turn around, and gave him a shallow blessing.

The hair that fell on his palm fell off, and the palm became empty.

He shrunk his fingertips and immediately grabbed her.

The curvature of the phoenix eyes was cold, staring at her, with a slight force on the fingers.

"That was not what I meant."

"." The Palace Master raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you unwilling?"

"Since that's the case, then we will go our separate ways and go back to our respective homes. Don't worry, I will never pester you again."

He looked at her calmly.

"That was not what I meant."

He said it again.

The Palace Mistress looked at him leisurely: "Then what do you mean?"

The ice beauty held her hand and took a step forward.

The beautiful phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and the tone was dull.

"I want you to promise me that you can only have me in your harem."

"." The Palace Mistress looked up at him.

Delicate and gorgeous face, charming eyes.

She stared at him quietly, without speaking.

As if weighing.

Yin Ci let go of her hand and turned around.

"That's all I ask. If you agree, we'll get married right away."

"." The palace lord slightly curled his lips.

"Yin Ci, even if I promise you now, you are not afraid. I regret it after cooking raw rice?"

The man has a thin and beautiful body, facing the light, with light eyebrows and eyes.

After her voice fell, he clenched his fist.

Twirling the corners of her lips, she calmly said, "Then if you marry one, I'll kill one."

"It depends on whether you are the quickest to marry, or I am the quickest to kill."

(End of this chapter)

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