Chapter 1368 Contaminated (43)

Lord Palace Master: "..."

An Yan was quite upset: "Master, it's useless for you to do this."

"You can tie him for a while, but you can't tie him for a lifetime."

"Why don't you just let go and let him go, so that you can leave a good name for the palace master."

The Palace Mistress walked past him expressionlessly.

An Chi followed closely behind, still thinking about it.

"Palace Master, thinking about it this way, it makes sense why Yin Ci is willing to marry you."

"Why don't you tell me the truth, in fact, you forced Yin Ci?"

"Afraid that Yin Ci would rebel, and while he was not paying attention, you drugged him to force him to submit, and then announced to Jianghu that Yin Ci is willing to marry you."

"I have to say, Palace Master, your move is really clever. If the raw rice is cooked like this, even if Yin Ci wants to explain it, he can't explain it clearly."

"But Palace Master, why have you locked him in the room all this time?"

"Anyway, he can't escape, why don't you let him out, let me compete with him, and it's not in vain for him to come to Fusang Palace."

"Palace Master? Palace Master? Palace Master, are you listening to me?"


of course not.

The Palace Master sent someone to send An Qi back, and then came to Tao Sheng's room alone.

Inside the room, Tao Sheng had just changed into a suit of chivalrous women's clothing, wearing a cloak, and was looking at the mirror left and right.

Yun Si opened the door and came in, and saw the man still in black sitting there quietly, drinking tea.

He didn't say anything, and looked even more boring than Yin Ci.

Yunsi didn't know how Taosheng could bear such a dull man.

She nodded to the man as a greeting.

He glanced at her quietly, then lowered his eyes.

No special reaction.

Yun Si walked behind Tao Sheng and helped her adjust the cloak cap.

"You're leaving today? Are you sure you don't want to stay for two more days?"

The little girl in a black suit had crooked smiling eyes, revealing two small dimples.

Turning around and hugging her, he said, "I'll find a gift for you, it's a congratulatory gift to wish you and your son get married."

"Before you and the young master got married so many times, I never gave you a congratulatory gift. I always feel a little bad."

"So, this time I will definitely give you a great gift. Don't worry, I will be back soon, and I should be back before you get married next month."

Yun Si pinched her soft face, it was funny.

"Taosheng, this is just a small marriage in a small world. There are countless things to do, so there is no need to take it seriously."

When Tao Sheng heard the words, his face was full of disapproval: "Si Si, how can you think like this?"

"Even if it's just a marriage in the small world, it's also a marriage between you and the young master."

"No matter where you are, no matter who you are, this is your wedding, isn't it?"

".Why are you acting like an adult?" Yun Si felt helpless.

Taosheng snorted, jumped up and patted her on the forehead, and put her on her hips.

"I'm 820 years old, do you think I'm still a child?"

"Of course." Yun Si patted her little head with a smile.

"As long as you look like a child now, then you are a child, I don't care how old you really are."

"." Tao Sheng gritted his teeth.

As if thinking of something, she turned around and glared fiercely at the man who was still drinking tea quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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