Chapter 1374 Contaminated (49)

He snorted, and continued to comb his hair slowly, without any surprise on his face.

He seemed to be thinking for a while, and his tone was a little soft and artificial, and he said delicately:

"Palace Master, we are going to get married soon, you really shouldn't run around."

"According to the rules, a girl who hasn't left the court can't leave the boudoir three days before getting married~"

"So, Palace Master, please rest assured, my son is thinking about you~"

"." The glamorous Palace Master twitched the corners of his lips.

"Anji, have you forgotten who you really belong to?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten~" An Qi stomped her feet, and cast a wink at her, coquettishly.

"Whoever holds the palm print of the Fusang Palace lord, I will listen to whoever says it. Isn't this an old rule?"

"Could it be that Palace Master, you forgot?"

"." The Palace Mistress clenched his fists.

"Oh~ Palace Master, don't worry about it so much, the young master is also doing it for your own good."

"These days, you just stay at ease and prepare to get married. It's not too late for you to go out after you get married~ Don't you think so?"

A complete supporter of Yin Ci, he didn't care about house arrest at all.

The palace master raised his forehead and gritted his teeth: "Then what is Yin Ci doing these days?"

"In and out of the palace, is there something big going on?"

An Qi raised his orchid finger and tapped lightly, "You don't need to worry about this, the palace master, the young master will take care of it."

"Of course, if you really want to know, the Palace Mistress, you can ask the Young Master. I think the Young Master will tell you."

"Anyway, Palace Mistress, you can just wait for the wedding with peace of mind, don't even think about running away."

"Otherwise, the young master will be angry~"

As he spoke secretly, he covered his lips and giggled as if thinking of something.

"Oh, by the way, Palace Mistress, there is one thing that I think I should inform you about."

"The few men you snatched earlier were said to be used as a harem, but the young master thought that the Fusang Palace did not raise lazy people, so he gave them twenty boards each, and then let them go. ,"

"Calculating now, the young master is the only one in your harem~~ You must be very happy, the palace lord, right?"

"." The Palace Mistress, who had no power at all, sneered.

He didn't say anything, but clenched his fists.

Darkly covered her lips and continued to smile: "Oh, so that in the future you will be able to love and love the young master, and grow old together~ What a legendary story."

".You are dismissed."

She waved her hand in annoyance, out of sight, out of mind.

Therefore, An Chi continued to twist her graceful figure, combed her hair, and left in a good mood.

He didn't care at all that his own Palace Mistress had already been placed under house arrest in a disguised form.

She was left alone, leaning on the chair, crossing her arms, without saying a word.

There is an inexplicable pity.

Throughout the whole day, the Palace Master, who was under house arrest in disguise, summoned Ananqi, Anmei, Ananmeng one after another.

The four guardians of Fusang Palace still treated her respectfully, but after asking and asking, the result was the same - they all advised her to get married at ease and not need to care about palace affairs for the time being.

It can be seen that Yin Ci has completely controlled the Fusang Palace in just one month, with real power in his hands, fully displaying the four words of "anti-customer-oriented".

In the end, the Palace Master, who had no real power, hammered the table expressionlessly and muttered to himself.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have given him the palm print."

(End of this chapter)

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