Chapter 1376 Contaminated (51)

He still didn't let go.

"." The little goblin had no expression on his face, and pushed him away.

There is one last day left until the wedding day.

Tao Sheng bounced back, followed by a taciturn man.

The man was carrying a big bag, which was full, and he didn't know what it contained.

The Palace Master, who was under house arrest, sat at the desk and watched them walk in, resting his chin.

The energetic Xiao Taosheng with brisk eyes ran over, unceremoniously squeezed into the same chair with her, and hugged her arm with a smile.

"Hi Sisi~ So many days have passed, do you miss me?"

".Well, think so."

The charming and charming woman was lazily squinting at her, looking listless.

The bones of the body are soft, leaning there, the appearance is exquisite.

Xiao Taosheng blinked, and looked at her curiously: "What's wrong with you? Why are you so lethargic?"

"Could it be that the adults treated you badly? Did you quarrel?"

"...No, you think too much, we hardly quarrel."

"Why is that? Are you insomnia at night? Or are you getting married soon, and you're too excited, so you can't sleep?"

"No." Yun Si didn't bother to say so much, but pointed to Suli's big burden and asked, "What is that?"

"A gift for me?"

Tao Sheng slapped his head: "Look at me, I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me."

She patted the tabletop and looked at Suli with squinted eyes.

"Put it down, Si Si wants to see it."

A taciturn man, do so quietly.

Put down the burden and put it on the table.

Yun Si finally regained some energy and watched with great interest.

"what is this?"

"You'll know if you open it and have a look?" Xiao Tao said eagerly, looking forward to it.

It seemed that she was looking forward to seeing the gift.

Yun Si clicked her tongue and stretched out her hand to open it.

"This is."

What came into view was a group of foxes.

Its hair was an incomparably beautiful fiery red. It was a small one, curled up into a ball, with its eyes closed, motionless.

Appears to be sleeping.

Yun Si was stunned for a moment, looking at Tao Sheng.


Xiao Tao raised her chin proudly, very proud.

"Don't think it's just a little fox now. It's the only child of the Fox God. I managed to get it."

".You stole the fox god's child?"

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about? What is stealing?"

Xiao Taosheng was a little unhappy and emphasized seriously.

"I asked it, and it said it was willing to follow me."

"Oh? How did you ask?" Yun Si looked at the little Firefox who was still soundly asleep.

The fluffy ears, the fluffy body, the whole look is soft, and it is unbelievably beautiful.

It can be seen that it has just been born, and it is estimated that it has not even opened its eyes.

Beside him, Tao said confidently, "I'll just ask it, would you like to come with me?"

"If you want to come with me, close your eyes; if you don't want to, open your eyes and say no."

"I waited by the side for a while, and found that it neither opened its eyes nor spoke, so of course I thought it agreed to go with me, and then I stole—cough, no, I brought it here openly .”

"Sisi, this isn't stealing, I've asked her for her opinion."

She clenched her small fist and emphasized very seriously.

"Then when you went to steal, the Fox God wasn't there, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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