Chapter 1392 Obsession (12)

"When will you clean until there is no hair left, and when will you be on duty again?"

Yun Si met her calmly, slowly folded her arms, expressionless.


"I remember, on the schedule, you were supposed to be on duty today, right?"

"What? Is the squad leader planning to abuse his power?"

The female squad leader slapped the table coldly.

"If you tell you to do it, do it, where does all this nonsense come from!"

"If you don't do it, get out of here and don't stay in this class."

The voice fell, and no one in the class spoke.

All are silent.

Dead silence.

Yun Si's unsmiling eyes swept around, and the curvature of the corners of her lips seemed to disappear.

"Let me be on duty, yes"

"Since it is for this class, of course I am willing."

"Just before I serve this class collectively, can I ask who made my desk like this?"

The beautiful and plain girl's tone was half a smile, not a smile, casually, with a touch of pressure.

Obviously she was asking everyone's tone, but her eyes were always on the female squad leader.

Slowly come closer, come closer, come closer.

Someone wanted to sneak out a foot to trip her, but she didn't want to, so she stepped on it with a smile on her face.


It's like killing a pig.

The girl's bones seemed to be broken.

The face of the female squad leader changed.

"Yunsi! How dare you hurt your classmates!?"

Only then did the girl suddenly realize that she covered her mouth in surprise.

"Yeah, sorry."

"I saw a leg lying here just now, and it didn't move. I thought it was a prosthetic leg."

"I'm really sorry."

The girl hugged her leg, her face turned pale from the pain.

"Ah—it hurts—it hurts—"

It hurts so much, it feels like my bones have been crushed to pieces.

"Hey...Xiaofu, are you doing?"

The classmate next to him quickly called the emergency call.

The female squad leader was completely irritated by her attitude, and took out the electric baton from under the desk.

"What kind of tone are you fucking talking about!? Bitch, don't you teach me a lesson—"

"Mao Xiaoli!"

The homeroom teacher Wen Yiyi let out a loud roar.

The movement of the female squad leader was frozen in mid-air in an instant.

Wen Yiyi really wanted to kill this disobedient thing.

Now is the time for the student union's general inspection, and she wants to target the newcomers without checking whether this is the right time.

Well now, I was caught on the spot.

Wen Yiyi really wanted to strangle her to death.

Everyone looked at the front door.

There, a handsome boy wearing a peaked cap stood there with a red badge on his left arm and a pale face.

And behind him are all the members of the student union.

The morning sun gently shone on his shoulders. He was wearing a black T-shirt, his complexion was cold and pale, and his delicate and indifferent eyebrows seemed to be dyed with a faint holy light.

Putting it in his pocket like this, he watched this farce lightly, his eyes were dark and deep.

I don't know how long I stood there watching.

Mao Xiaoli's electric baton fell to the ground in an instant.

The crowd fell silent.

In this school, the power of the student union is greater than that of the teachers.

Even the class teacher has no right to intervene in the inspection of the student union, so he can only stand behind with a livid face.

Fan Yunshi and Jiang Tianhao, as the vice presidents of the student union, also wore red badges on their left arms, and held checklists in their hands.

Standing behind, Fan Yunshi's hand clenched the pen for a moment.

There seemed to be such a panic.

Seeing that Mao Xiaoli lost the arrogance and flames just now, she hurriedly stuffed the electric baton on the ground back into the drawer, and then sat down again.

(End of this chapter)

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