Chapter 1407 Obsession (26)

Before, Han Yu said that it was fine to let gifted students enter Class A, but now, even this adopted daughter is also admitted?
If these two are not easy to mess with, wouldn't that mess up the atmosphere of Class A?

As if she didn't hear the murmurs and discussions below, Fan Yunshi on the podium smiled and walked off the podium.

The homeroom teacher arranged her seat in the front row, as if deliberately separating her from Han Yu in the back row.

Yun Si sat in the back row, turning her pen, and slowly leaned back on the chair.

His gaze fell lightly on the person sitting in the front row. The person changed from his previous arrogant and domineering appearance, and became gentle and polite, with a much softer voice.

Smiling and shaking hands with his tablemate, the smile on his face is just right.

It's like putting on a smiley mask.

Yun Si withdrew her gaze, and lightly tapped the table with the tip of her pen.

Quiet, I don't know what I'm thinking.

After class, Han Yu woke up on time.

Sitting there, with his head down, his phoenix eyes closed, his brows and eyes were sleepy, it seemed that he still didn't get enough sleep, and wanted to sleep for a while.

Yun Si turned to look at him.

He lowered his eyelashes, reached out, and grabbed her.

Grab her hand, put it on her lap, and hold her slowly.

The movement is very natural.

This is the most common action he does after two people start to talk about love.

Do nothing but like to hold hands.

In this way, they have been in love for almost half a month, but the two of them have never even hugged.

Pure love, just stop at holding hands.

Yun Si held her chin and turned to look at him for a while.

He closed his eyes, probably finally awake, so he held her tighter.

Laziness is like a big white fox that doesn't want to move.

Yun Si couldn't help curling her lips, and scratched his palm maliciously.

He moved and grabbed her restless hand.

interlocking fingers.

Such small actions can easily be seen by the students passing by.

But they are just looking at the nose and the nose, pretending not to see that the president is holding hands with gifted students.

Anyway, the matter of their love has been hammered to the point that it can no longer be hammered.

Even if they didn't announce it publicly, everyone can see now that the two of them are in a relationship.

And it seems that the president is more active.

Yun Si held his hand, and soon felt the gaze from the front row.

She raised her eyebrows and met her gaze.

Not surprisingly, Fan Yunshi, who was transferred from another class, was looking at her with a smile, not showing any hostility.

She seemed to have a natural affinity, and without the arrogance and domineering she had before, it was easy to get along with the girls in the class.

Yun Si lowered her eyelids with disinterest, and didn't make a sound.

She just quietly looked at the boy sitting beside her, her thoughts were unclear.


Han Yu went home.

There was no one in the house, and it was still empty.

His eyebrows and eyes were light, as if he was used to it, he put his pockets in his pocket and went upstairs.

The door of the room was closed immediately.

When he sent a message to his little girlfriend, the other party quickly sent a loving emoji.

Han Yu held the phone with one hand, lowered his eyes, and the corners of his lips seemed to hook.

The entire brows and eyes softened.

The fingertips quickly tapped on the screen, and the call was quickly dialed.

Only two beeps were heard, and the other party answered.

"Han Yu?"

A soft and warm female voice with a bit of a smile.

The boy put the phone to his ear and gave a low hum.

(End of this chapter)

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