Chapter 1409 Obsession (28)

That's more or less.

The little fox shook its tail in satisfaction, jumped onto her shoulder, and moved close to her ear.


Be sure to remember to buy me a roast chicken~
".it is good."

Only then did the little fox speak unhurriedly.


She has the smell of the Fox Temple, which means that she is probably a low-level maid who came out of the Fox Temple.

Moreover, she also has the magic weapon of the Fox Temple on her body.

"What magic weapon?"

The little fox flicked its tail, as if trying to remember.


I don't know. I seem to have seen it on that big fox.

Big fox?
It's talking about the fox god, right?
Yun Si was a little funny.

"That's your dear father, what big fox?"

The little fox snorted.


In short, that magic weapon can cover up the evil spirit on her body, it seems quite powerful, Si Si, you must be careful.

Yun Si rubbed its head, but didn't speak.

No wonder, when she saw her today, she didn't feel a bit of a monster in her body.

She restrained her evil spirit and hid in the human body, firstly, she would not be discovered by her, secondly,
They can also take advantage of Fan Yunshi's identity to get close to Han Yu.

After all, she is an excellent adoptive daughter, and she must understand the principle of getting the moon first if she is close to the water.

In addition, he is a vixen, so he has a lot of ghost ideas.

Now she is very cautious, probably because she has heard about her deeds, so she doesn't want to confront her directly.

I don't know if she ever thought that Jiu Ge would be more ruthless than her.

In case Jiuge is angered
Yun Si paused suddenly.

Wait, Jiuge won't be angry, right?
That person with such a good temper, if he meets a stalking vixen
Yun Si stood up immediately.

"Little raccoon, let's go buy roast chicken now."

"After eating the roast chicken, you go to a place with me."


at night.

The girl in a gentle white dress stood on the balcony, bathed in the moonlight, with a relaxed complexion, motionless.

The rope on her wrist was also baptized by the moonlight, and it was shining with a white luster and mellow strength.

She stood there barefoot, without a trace of evil spirit on her body.

Standing quietly for a long time, she seemed to be waiting for something.

Wait for the rope on the wrist to absorb the moonlight and accumulate strength.

With a flick of her hand, the faint light slowly disappeared like the wind.

Fragmented light is sparse, with bits and pieces shining.

Behind him, there seemed to be a fox's tail appearing indistinctly under the hazy moonlight.

Seductive, bewitching the heart of the dreamer.


The faint light, as if consciously, drifted to one of the balconies.

Along the balcony, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the girl's figure appeared, appeared in the darkness, smiling slightly, full of laughter.

The light slowly fell into the room, fell on the bed, and quietly fell into the body of the person on the bed.

She twisted her wrist, and the figure quickly disappeared.

Along with that light, it entered the boy's brain together.

Gradually, began to weave dreams.

The boy on the bed opened his eyes in an instant.

The pupils are deep and dark purple in color.

Deep night, dark room.

All of a sudden, a shrill scream was heard, hovering above the night sky, echoing in the air.

The shrill cry was like thousands of ants devouring the heart, breaking the tendons, breaking the bones and killing the soul.

The powerful soul began to protect the body, bursting out dazzling divine power and blasting awe-inspiringly.

(End of this chapter)

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