Chapter 1412 Obsession (31)

He pressed the swollen eyebrows and said, "She has a sister who died under the young master's hands according to her, so she wants to take revenge."

"Because of this incident, I have repeatedly issued five orders to prohibit her from leaving the Fox Temple."

"But later, the little raccoon was taken away, and I was so anxious that I didn't notice her."

"When I found out that my key was stolen, all the treasures in the Fox Temple were gone."

"Let's not talk about the Nightmare Lock, even my Na Hun Yarn is gone, and all of them were scoured by this vixen."

"Little bastard, I asked her just now, but she bit her to death, and the nightmare lock on her hand was broken by her tossing, and it lost its effect."

"Now I have to take her back and accept the punishment. As for you, little raccoon, will you follow me?"

The topic changed, and it turned to the little fox again.

The little fox looked blankly at Yan Huang, then at a certain heartless woman.

Look left and right, as if comparing and weighing.

A certain heartless woman was calm, she touched its head with her oily paws, and said, "Go back with your father, follow me, I guess you will eat pickled vegetables and steamed buns for the rest of your life."

Little Fox:"."

How is this day different from the previous life?
Poor little fox, still thinking about the trade-offs.

Yun Si glanced at the white fox who was drenched in the rain outside the window, and asked, "She wants revenge, so why use the nightmare lock?"

"Isn't Nightmare Lock a dream that can only control people? Even if she controls Jiu Ge's dream, what's the use?"

Yan Huang took out a tissue and wiped off the oil on the little fox.

Without raising his eyes, he said, "The Nightmare Lock is far less powerful than this. Dreams can be divided into good dreams and nightmares."

"It all depends on whether the power of the controller is strong enough to weave the dream completely, making it difficult for the dreamer to wake up."

"In the words of your demon clan, it is weaving illusions and killing people with illusions."

"The bastard, knowing that it is impossible to kill the young master in the real world, so he came up with such a compromise."

"The Nightmare Lock is a divine weapon, and it is inherited from His Royal Highness the Fox God. Its divine power is thick and deep, and she thought it would not let the young master find out."

"If I'm not wrong, she will transform into the appearance of a young woman in the dream, and first linger with the soul of the young master, and then take the opportunity to make a move."

"As long as she can kill the young master in the dream, then she will be avenged. Naturally, her wish has been fulfilled."

Yan Huang stroked the little fox's shiny fur, and hugged it while it was not paying attention.

Looking at Yun Si, his posture was rare.

"This matter, no matter what, is my negligence. If you have the opportunity, please explain it to me and your son. I hope you will not take your anger out on the Fox Temple. I promise, after I go back, I will discipline and discipline that fox. son."

"." Yun Si backed away slightly, "Understood, the ceremony is unnecessary."

She was a little uncomfortable.

You know, back then when that mighty big fox was always chasing her, he didn't look so friendly.

After thinking about it, she couldn't help asking a question she had always wanted to ask.

"Hey, old fox, you all seem to be afraid of Jiuge, but hasn't Jiuge ever gotten angry with you?"

Why are all these gods respectful when they talk about Jiu Ge?

Even if he's not around, don't you dare to offend me a little?
"." Yan Huang looked at her.

Hugging the fiery red and beautiful little fox, there was a long silence.

(End of this chapter)

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