Chapter 1414 Obsession (33)

So I also sat quietly with her, and the two held hands, blatantly in the classroom.

Jiang Tianhao brought water as usual, saw the two people holding hands, coughed, put down the water, turned and left.

Yun Si leaned on the table with her head on her pillow, looked at Han Yu, and kept silent.

I don't know what I was thinking.

"what happened to you?"

He leaned on the table like this, looking at her face to face.

With beautiful eyebrows and white complexion, he took her hand, put it on his lap, and held her tightly.

It's a little more serious than usual.

The girl shook her head quietly.

"It's okay, just a little uncomfortable."

He has a meal.

Holding her hand slightly tightened.

"Where is it uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

She still shook her head: "It's okay, I didn't sleep well last night, so I was sleepy."

"." The young man looked at her, with the tip of his tongue slightly touching the roof of his mouth.

The color of the eyes is slightly dark, staring quietly, the color of the lips is bright.

"Really okay?"

He reached out and touched her forehead.

With a rare earnestness and seriousness.

Yun Si looked at him quietly and hummed.

The eyelashes droop and the shadows are hidden.





Yun Si said she was sleepy, so she really went to bed early at noon.

She changed into her pajamas, lay on the bed, and fell asleep peacefully.

Outside the room, the boy stood for a while, then put it in his pocket and took out his mobile phone.

The beautiful eyebrows are drooping, and the eyes are dark and deep.

"The girl is upset, how can I coax her?"

A message was sent.

Jiang Tianhao returned soon.

"What kind of unhappiness? Did you do something wrong? Or because of other people? Or because of your own reasons?"

The boy's fingertips paused on the phone screen.

The beautiful phoenix eyes slightly raised, silent.

he does not know.

He didn't know why she was upset.

His fingertips paused, and Jiang Tianhao sent another long message.

"There are many reasons why a girl is unhappy. If you don't know, just give her a gift, or take her to eat delicious food, play fun, say something she likes to hear, and stay with her all the time. Until she laughs."

The boy stared quietly for a while, then took the phone back.

With his pockets on, he leaned against the door, his eyes downcast, his expression unclear.

Yun Si just got up together, her boyfriend who has been lazy and not interested in anything, as if he had been pinching something, brought her a glass of water.

He sat on the edge of the bed, blew on the cup, and handed it over.

Carefully, as if she was seriously ill.

Yun Si took it and saw that it was brown sugar water.

She froze and looked at him.

The beautiful young man in front of him held one of her hands and looked at her steadily.

"It is said on the Internet that if a girl is not feeling well, she can drink some ginger brown sugar water."

"Ginger is very spicy, I only put a little bit, you drink a little, will it make you feel better?"

"." Yun Si slightly bent her lips and smiled, "I only drink this during my menstrual period, and I haven't reached my menstrual period yet."

The boy was startled, grabbed her hand, and pursed his lips.

But Yun Si still drank it down.

The brown sugar is always sweet, and the ginger is really only a little bit, not very spicy.

She licked the corner of her lips, curled her lips to look at him, and handed the cup back.

"Thank you, it's delicious."

He looked at her quietly and took it.

Seeing her drinking, he lowered his eyes and got up.

The next second, his hand was suddenly held, and the girl sitting on the bed pulled him back.

"Han Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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