Chapter 1421 Obsession (40)

The cool smell of Shengxue lingered around her.

She leaned against his chest, her steps were steady, without any ups and downs.

Soon, she was gently placed on a soft place.

Familiar touch, that is the bed he made for her with his own hands.

On the top, there is a soft and warm cloud brocade.

He put her down gently and took off her shoes.

He untied her belt, helped her take off her coat, and finally covered her quilt.

His breath was all over the quilt, as if he was hugging her for a long time.

It's very quiet here, so quiet that there are only birds chirping from outside from time to time.

Yun Si closed her eyes, feeling him leaving and coming back again.

Holding warm water, sitting beside her bed, wiped her hands with a soft towel.

Always doing so gently and meticulously, tirelessly.

She wanted to open her eyes to see him, but her soul was imprisoned by this damn body.

Can't even move.

She could only feel his gentle movements, after wiping, then tucked her quilt.

The gentle breath beside her has been sitting there, seeming to be looking at her.

After a long, long time, his breath got a little closer.

Just like that, he stretched out his hand and rubbed her face with warm fingertips, the movement was as light as a feather falling to the ground.

Yun Si's hand under the quilt trembled slightly.

I just felt that he seemed to be getting closer, and the blue hair tainted with the smell of snow lotus fell lightly on her face.

Soon, a warm and soft touch fell on her lips.

Very light, very light, like a slight ripple on the surface of a calm lake.

His breath intertwined with hers, melting together.

There seemed to be some emotion permeating her chest, which made her heart swell with warmth.

Her eye sockets were slightly hot, and her fingertips were trembling violently.

Endless sourness and swelling, sour and astringent, with a little grievance.

Probably because she missed him too much.

He kissed her and left quickly.

It seemed that he didn't want to wake her up.

Gently closing her eyebrows, he sat quietly for a while.

Just looking at her like this is not boring.

After an unknown amount of time, Yun Si gradually felt the warm breath around her leave.

The door of the room was also quietly closed without any sound.

Yun Si closed her eyes, lying on the bed, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

She is still in his dream now, but this is probably his deeper memory.

She didn't know what time it was, or what day it was.

All she knew was that he was still by her side, always in this peach forest, isolated from the world.

She lay down for a long time, and when she finally felt that she could open her eyes, a faint voice came from outside the room.

The voice was very small, obviously not wanting to wake her up.

Yun Si closed her eyes, did not move, tried her best to breathe calmly.

Maintain the state of even and long breathing in deep sleep, and continue to pretend to be a mature sleeper.

Because she knew that he could sense her actions.

Even if the distance is far away, as long as she wakes up, he can perceive it.

She lay still, listening as hard as she could to the low voices outside.

He talks to people.

However, there has always been only him and her in the Taolin, so how could there be a third person?
It explained that the man came in from outside the Taolin, and Jiu Ge seemed to have something to tell him.

She listened carefully for a long time, but the sound was too small and too vague for her to hear clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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