Chapter 1423 Obsession (42)

"Since you were young, you have always been like this. You don't show your talent, as if you are afraid that others will know how good you are."

The man's exquisite eyebrows and eyes are gentle, and his pale purple eyes are slightly curved.

"Mother, I don't have one."

There was a bit of intimacy in his gentle tone.

The woman looked up at him: "Come on, you still pretend to be with me?"

He came out of her stomach, she still doesn't know what happened to him?

He lowered his head, and his smile deepened, his slender eyelashes hung down, and his purple eyes were deep and faint.

The fresh woman, who was married, put the chess piece back into the box, seemed to think of something, and laughed again:

"Speaking of which, you little girl, don't you know what you look like?"

The man looked up at her with rippling purple eyes.

She suddenly supported her face, looked at him with a smile, and tapped the chessboard with her fingertips.

"I remember you said that your little girl... came from hell?"

The eyelashes of the stunningly gentle man trembled slightly, and he hummed lightly.

"She's still young, she's just transformed into a new form, and she's very obedient."

"No wonder." She looked away and laughed, "That little girl must be very innocent, she doesn't know the sinister heart."

Jun Jiuge didn't speak, but poured tea from the side, holding the teacup with her snow-white and beautiful long fingers, and gently placed it in front of the woman.

Just listen to her pick up the tea and smile.

"Actually... As your own mother, I should really hope that the little girl is more innocent. After all, everyone will like a simple little girl."

"But... also as a woman, I hope she can think about other things after she really understands you, or have a further development with you, what do you think? Xiaojiu."

The snow-coloured and gentle man with long eyelashes drooping slowly drank his tea without speaking.

His brows are clear, his eyes are dark, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

Fu Sheng smiled and put down the teacup.

Looking at the well-cared-for peach grove, she changed the subject and asked:
"When are you going to practice? The old men in the temple came to me every three days, and they pressed harder and harder."

The man's lips are moist, his finger bones are beautiful and slender, his eyes are closed, and his voice is still gentle: "It's almost there."

"I thought about leaving in the next two days, but Si Si accidentally hurt her foot, so I want to wait for a while."

She nodded.

"Do we need to do something for this experience?"

"After all, after you come back from training, you will soon enter the main temple. Does your little girl need our help to take care of it?"

He raised his eyes, and the warm sunlight shone on his snow-white clothes, as if his body was covered with a layer of holy light.

Slowly putting down the tea, he rolled up his sleeves, revealing his delicate white wrist bones.

With lowered eyes, he said gently: "She will follow me to practice, mother don't have to worry."

"Going with you? Will she be willing?"

He raised his lips slightly: "There is always a way to make her willing, mother should believe that Xiao Jiu is the one."

He looked at her with gentle eyes.

Indeed, he is too smart and can always find the right way.

Fusheng smiled, didn't ask any more questions, and continued drinking tea.

"So, the matter of returning from the experience has also been arranged?"

He hummed.

As if thinking of something, he raised his eyes and smiled: "However, there is something that I still need my mother to help."


He said slowly: "I hope that my mother can publicize what I am practicing at the right time."

"It's best, let the Three Realms know."

Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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