Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1442 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1442 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (12)

I don't care about his actions.

After falling asleep, because his body was too cold, she dreamed that she was frozen by a piece of ice, and she couldn't push it away even if she wanted to.

The little princess couldn't help but wonder, could such a body temperature be that of a normal person?

He won't. Isn't he human?

The third day of entering the palace.

The old emperor finally summoned Princess Anle.

Inside Zhaoyang Palace.

After lunch, the little princess took a rest for a while, and then began to dress up.

Xia Lian said that the emperor likes simple and elegant women, so the little princess changed into a more flamboyant golden phoenix red dress.

I wanted to say that the more publicity the better, but I didn't want to. After changing clothes and walking out, the ladies in the palace were all silent for a while.

In the end, the little princess put on a plain white palace dress.

Xia Lian also put a veil on her.

Looking at the person in the mirror, the little princess couldn't help blinking her clear eyes.

Xia Lian whispered in her ear: "Princess, this servant just found out that the prince is in the Shou'an Palace and is paying his Majesty's greetings."

"The princess should go earlier, so that she can come back earlier when the prince talks to His Majesty."

This statement makes sense.

The little princess stood up, her palace skirt was as light as a butterfly's wings.

Soon, the Shouan Palace came into view.

Sitting on the phoenix chariot, the empress, who was dressed in a pure and clean body, landed on the ground with Ah Chun's support.

The Shou'an Palace is heavily guarded, and guards are guarding far away.

Surrounded by the maids of honor, the empress came to the door, saw Eunuch Hua guarding the door, and lowered her head slightly.

"Anle, please greet my father-in-law."

Eunuch Hua hurriedly knelt down: "Don't dare, Her Royal Highness, the princess, has broken this old slave."

"It should be the old slave who greets Her Highness the Princess. Her Highness is a thousand years old."

"." The elegant beauty wearing a veil tilted her head to look at him.

Isn't she the empress now?

Why did he call her Your Royal Highness?
Thinking about it this way, it seems that everyone is addressing her as Her Royal Highness, and very few are addressing her as Empress.

The little princess was puzzled in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

With a slight smile, he signaled that he could get up.

Eunuch Hua bowed his waist and held his whisk, respectfully said: "Your Majesty has been waiting for you, Your Highness Princess, for a long time. Your Highness Princess will come with this old servant."

"Is the prince in there?" she asked.

Eunuch Hua bowed his head: "Yes, the prince is discussing with His Majesty the matter of the crown prince."

"Then will I disturb you when I go in?"

"His Royal Highness is worrying too much, you just go in and won't disturb you."

The pure and elegant empress followed him in.

Inside Shouan Palace.

Bright yellow layout, heavy sense of depression.

Here, after entering the door, there is a strong smell of medicine, as if soaked in the medicine pool for three days and three nights.

Under the guidance of Eunuch Hua, the glamorous little princess came to the inner room.

The inner room was covered with a drapey curtain, and severe coughing sounds could be heard from time to time.

Eunuch Hua bent down and said softly to her: "Your Highness, you are right here, and you are very sick inside, I'm afraid it will be bad if you get infected."

He said, and sent someone to move a chair over.

The little princess looked at the inner room which was covered with curtains.

The curtains are also bright yellow and made of fine silk.

It hangs down now, blocking her view.

People inside can't see her, and she can't see people inside.

They can only talk by voice, which saves a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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