Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1453 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1453 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (23)

Like a delicate flower revealing its soft pistil, it is so pleasing to the eye.

She brought it in front of him and said softly, "I made this with my own hands, and I'll give it to you to eat."

"..." The pale and feminine man looked at her quietly with his phoenix eyes.

The cool breath, as if consciously, clung to her warm porcelain-white skin inch by inch.

It was cold, and with a somewhat sickly shade of prey.

The glamorous empress dowager blinked, and said softly: "Only these are made by me, the little emperor's outside are made by the dining room."

"I know you don't like sweets, so I just put a little bit of sugar, and that's all for you."

She was quiet, as if she was afraid that someone would find out.

When the man didn't pick it up, she rewrapped the towel and put it aside.

Just when she was about to get up, suddenly there was more strength in her waist, and she was directly pressed into his arms.

In the next second, her breath was taken away, and the cold breath wrapped around her like thin snakes.

"..." The glamorous and charming empress dowager was startled.

Outside the screen is the emperor. Although he is still young, he must understand some of these things.

In case he suddenly appears—

The regent pressed the back of her head, as if he was about to swallow her whole.

The hand on her waist was even harder, pressing her into his arms.

The empress dowager did not dare to push him, for fear that the movement would be too big and the little emperor outside would hear the movement.





I don't know how long it took.

When the little emperor sat down on the chair and burped in satisfaction after eating and drinking, he looked around, only to realize that the empress dowager and the regent had disappeared at some point.

The imperial study room was quiet, as if he was the only one left.

That being the case...

The little emperor rolled his eyes and immediately stood up.

He ran to the door, opened the door, and ran out.

"Hey—Your Majesty, where are you going, Your Majesty?"

The little emperor didn't turn his head back, his small face was excited: "I'm going to the bathroom, don't follow me!"

"." Outside the imperial study room, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only the regent and the empress dowager were left in the imperial study room, and finally there were some small voices.

Slightly humming, like a kitten scratching, begging for mercy.

"Pei Jie stop kissing."

If you keep kissing again, I'm afraid something will happen.

But the Regent was never afraid of accidents.

Fortunately, in the end, he still remembered that she was having her period.

So I didn't do anything, just hugged her and tidied her dress leisurely.

The glamorous empress dowager's lips are bright red, extremely red.

With clear water in his eyes, he leaned against his arms, his body seemed soft and boneless, charming to the bone.

The regent took the thing that was put aside, put it in her palm, and said hoarsely, "Hey me."

"." She raised her eyes helplessly.

Facing his dark and menacing phoenix eyes, she paused, and then obediently obeyed.

Reopen, twist a piece, and feed him.

I don't know where the bad habit came from.

The man touched her face, the temperature in his palm was just right.

The empress dowager's lips were as bright and charming as petals.

The golden phoenix spread wings palace skirt on her body dragged on the ground, revealing half of her slender porcelain white ankle.

Every inch is exquisite, like a perfect work of art.

The Lord Regent hugged his little princess with a strong arm.

Showing a strong possessive attitude, his eyes are as scary as a ghost.

Sick and vicious, like a madman.

(End of this chapter)

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