Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1455 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1455 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (25)

There are all kinds of sayings, and people echo what they say.

Some said that because the flower picker was so handsome, all the girls in the official family fell in love with him at first sight, so they excused him.

Others said that the flower picker might know witchcraft and be able to manipulate those official women, which made those women behave abnormally.

What's more, it is said that the flower picker may be a ghost who possessed those women's bodies to absorb their yin energy.

All kinds of theories spread to the ears of the empress dowager, and she was able to write several novels and publish them.

The empress dowager sat there with her chin resting, listening with great interest and not speaking.

Listening to the ladies in the palace told her what happened outside like a storyteller.

Xia Lian stood aside and listened, then interjected, "Fortunately, the flower picker didn't have the guts to come in, otherwise, the guards in the palace would definitely make him look good."

"However, where did the flower picker go? Will he show up again?"

The voice fell, and no one answered.

Because no one knows.

Only the empress dowager, who was sitting on a chair with her cheeks slanted, narrowed her beautiful eyes and smiled.

My mind is unpredictable, and I don't know what I'm thinking.


The icy Prince Regent is at it again.

He still came quietly, appeared in her bedroom, undressed and took off his clothes, as if he regarded this place as his own.

There was a lamp beside the bed, which was ordered by the empress dowager.

The light was slightly bright, and it shone on the cold man, making his seductive and handsome features paler and paler.

The cold air all over his body was like a water ghost that just crawled out of the water. It was dark and dangerous, and the phoenix eyes were dark and piercing.

He undressed and put the clothes on the shelf beside him.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, her upper body was bare, her arms were broad and her lips were bright red.

With long eyelashes drooping, he unbuttoned his belt.

The movements were slow, not in a hurry, and the aura on his body was extremely cold.

The empress dowager sitting next to him had her slender legs hanging down, shaking slightly.

Looking at his movements with disheveled hair, he blinked and asked, "Pei Jie, have you heard about the flower pickers outside the palace?"

"What's going on? I want to know."

The man paused and looked at her.

The phoenix eyes are faint, like a wolf in the dark night.

The beautiful queen mother consciously climbed onto his lap and hugged him.

She rubbed against his chest like a cat, blinked and lowered her eyes, looking very obedient.

"Pei Jie~ just tell me~"

Her voice was soft and coquettish, and she became more and more capable of acting like a baby.

It's so delicate that people can't wait to praise everything for it.

The cold and pale man embraced her, the temperature of his long fingers was as warm as a poisonous snake's letter, and there was a faint, dangerous undercurrent.

"What do you want to know?"

The glamorous Keren in her arms bent her eyes: "I want to know what happened to those girls? Are there any unusual reactions now?"

"You tell me everything is fine, okay?"

Nature is good.

After all, she has already mastered the trick of acting like a baby.

Under the shadowy light, the man looked at her quietly with his pale and sickly eyebrows drooping.

Her lips were bright red, as if smeared with the blood of a dead person.

Faintly, she outlined her appearance with a calm tone.

"I told you, is there a reward?"

"." The glamorous Keren was taken aback.


"How about you take the initiative tonight?"

The pale and perverted man is like a poisonous snake, even his heart is black.

(End of this chapter)

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