Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1462 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1462 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (32)

Just like that, he slowly walked out of the empty and deep palace, exposed to the moonlight, showing an excited and strange smile.

It was as if the blood and bones of his slaughter were all under his body, it was very cold.

Yun Si just sat on the dead man's bone seat, looking at him indifferently, without any fluctuations.

He said: "It takes a little effort, but if you can see this beautiful lady who is all over the world work harder, what's the problem?"

The Devil Emperor stared at her naked, as if he was looking at a commodity that was up for grabs.

Undisguised interest, eager excitement.

The sense of conquest just around the corner, and the sense of satisfaction that is bound to be won.

Naked, all exposed.

This is a demon, a demon who makes no secret of his desires.

Yun Si slightly hooked her lips, and her eyes rolled around, showing a soul-stirring charm.

Just looking at him leisurely, leisurely.

"Then now that Lord Demon Emperor has seen it, does he have his wish and should go?"

Lord Demon Emperor laughed fiercely.

"Why bother?"

"Could it be that you are in a hurry to go back and commit yourself to serving that hypocritical and despicable god?"

"." The beauty frowned lightly.

Under such malicious humiliation, he was not annoyed and wobbled around.

"What? What does Lord Demon Emperor think about my actions?"

The Demon Emperor smiled cunningly.

"I've always heard that no one would look down on the haughty hell beauty shemale, and even rejected several generals of this deity. It's clear that men are disgusting. Why are you willing to commit yourself to that hypocritical god now?"

"Could it be that you also want to curry favor with that Jun Jiuge, make him show mercy and give you a god?"

The hell beauty shemale propped her chin slightly, and lowered her eyes slowly.

Listening to his words was like listening to a dog farting, with the left ear coming in and the right ear coming out, without speaking.

As the Lord Demon Emperor was speaking, he changed the subject and laughed fiercely.

"But it's true, that's Jun Jiuge, such a powerful god, just raising his hand can wipe out that pitiful monster like an ant, and he will never be reborn forever."

"A weak beauty like you, and a lowly and pitiful demon, if you can follow him, you will naturally have unlimited glory and receive permanent protection. Only in this way... you will be willing to put down your figure to please him, won't you?"

"." The glamorous and charming flower demon of the other shore raised her eyelids lightly, with a smile that was not a smile.

He still didn't say anything, as if he wanted to see what he could come up with.

As the Lord Demon Emperor spoke, the topic changed again, his tone was weird and unpleasant.

"I heard that Jun Jiuge loved you very much before, but now I see that the rumors are indeed true."

"Little beauty, relying on her looks, she actually hooked up with Jun Jiuge, who has never been a womanizer, Yunsi, you are really lucky."

"I'm not sure, but I can still be a god in the future?"

"." The flower demon on the other side raised her eyebrows lightly, trying to relax.

Lord Demon Emperor said, laughing fiercely, as if he had heard some funny joke.

"But Yunsi, have you really forgotten that you are still a demon?"

"A demon. Since ancient times, it has been at odds with gods."

"You are so committed to a hypocritical and heartless god, do you really think...he will give you a name?"

"No way?" The Flower Demon on the other side blinked, looking innocent and ignorant.

Lord Devil Emperor laughed, this time he was really fooled by her ignorance.

Pointing with a cold and dark hand, he said, "How can a god see a demon?"

(End of this chapter)

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