Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1465 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1465 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (35)

"But this deity has a way to make him your forbidden scorpion, and it belongs to you alone. From now on, he will obey your orders and have no calculations."

"Such a method, do you want to do it?"

"..." The beauty demon looked at the ivory white porcelain bone knife, and a coquettish red light flashed in her eyes.

Apparently, he was aroused.

"Owned by me alone, and I will obey from now on? Isn't that... a slave?"

A slave is the most humble existence, even lower than the weeds on the ground.

There is no self-awareness, only the master's order is followed.

Even if the master asked him to cut off his own flesh, he would cut it without hesitation.

More loyal than the most loyal dog.

These are the things that bullying monsters like to play the most. They like to torture the weak little monsters like this, and then circle them with chains.

The means of torture are extremely perverted.

If it was replaced by the magnificent and cold God Nine Songs...

I have to say, very tempting.

The beauty from hell licked her small fangs, with an interested expression, raised her hand to put the porcelain bone knife away, and put it in her sleeve.

I saw that cold and gloomy Lord Demon Emperor laughed fiercely and said:
"It's not just a slave, as long as you want, you can lock him up and let the king dispose of him."

"As long as... you put this knife into his heart, then all of this... will be completely out of sight, and he will be yours forever."

The hell beauty shemale hooked her red lips, with a half-smile: "How do I know, are you lying to me?"

"If I accidentally killed him, wouldn't the people in the temple want to crush me?"

The Devil Emperor smiled treacherously: "Kill? You underestimate him, Yunsi."

"No one in this world can kill him, let alone this little knife?"

"Oh? Then what is the function of your knife?"

"After this knife pierces his soul, as long as it can cut through his heart-protecting veins, he will be seriously injured."

Lord Demon Emperor laughed fiercely: "After the severe injury, the divine power leaked out, and the wound couldn't heal. At that time, you still worry about not being able to take him down?"

"." Yun Si slowly looked at the knife in her hand, without saying a word.

Under the moonlight, this ivory white porcelain bone knife shone brightly.

The texture is icy cold, and the tip of the knife is extremely sharp. I don't know what it is made of.

It seems to be a magic bone.

Her eyes fell on him, and the corners of her lips were slightly drawn, with a little carelessness.

"Devil Emperor, you said that I underestimated him, so why don't you overestimate me?"

"If it is so easy to pierce his heart, how can you be willing to give me such a precious opportunity?"

Presumably he couldn't get close, so he came to her and wanted to use her hand to assassinate him, right?

Lord Demon Emperor was not annoyed when his mind was punctured.

Even, very satisfied.

He revealed without concealment: "I really can't get close to that Jun Jiuge, and it's not just me. Any monsters and demons can't get close to him, and they will be backlashed by divine power."

"But you can."

"You have been entangled with that Jun Jiuge for a long time, and your body is stained with his spirit, so naturally he will not reject you."

"As long as you stick the knife into his heart while he's fast asleep, won't have to worry about him plotting against you anymore."

"Even, you can use the God-Binding Chain to imprison him and make him obey you forever."

"In this way, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

(End of this chapter)

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