Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1469 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1469 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (39)

The devil emperor knew that it would be impossible to confront Jiuge head-on, so he turned his mind on her.

I want to use her hand to do something to Jiu Ge, and I am on the same path as Cang Ming and the others before.

As for the china bone knife
She pursed her lips and said nothing, as if she was thinking about something.

When it was almost dawn, Yun Si still didn't feel sleepy.

Just like this, arching the man's neck with his small head, the whole person presents a strong dependent posture.

As soon as the drowsiness formula on the man's body was released, his brows frowned, and he woke up almost in the next second.

Yun Si kept teasing him, but he only moved a little.

With his eyes closed, he directly hugged the little princess who kept hugging him, half pressed her, and rubbed her head, his voice was low and hoarse.

"Wake up so early?"

The little princess remained silent, hugged him, her cheeks bulging slightly.

The man pinched her delicate face, and slowly opened his eyes, which were deep and lazy.

"What's wrong? Not happy?"

Every time, he could feel the changes in her emotions for the first time, as if he had telepathy.

The little princess hugged his neck and rubbed his pale and handsome face.

She hooked him and said sullenly, "I'm having a nightmare."

"In the dream, you were killing people."

The man held her with one arm and said nothing.

The phoenix eyes are deep and deep, just touching her forehead like this, and the breath on her body is cool.

"and then?"

Neither salty nor light tone.

There was no surprise.

The little princess froze for a moment, staring at him with beautiful black and white eyes.

"Then. You killed many, many people. The ground was stained red with blood. I was very scared, afraid that you would kill me too."

"and then?"

The tone is still neither salty nor light.

The little princess opened her mouth.

"Then. Because you killed too many people, some enemies came to your door. They asked me to kill you. I was very scared."


Under his slender eyelash feathers, the phoenix eyes are unfathomable, dyed with rich black, casting a cool danger.

It was like the huge poisonous snake hiding in the dark and spitting snake letters, with cold vertical pupils, staring at her silently.

stared at his prey.

The beautiful and charming little princess fell silent.

His eyes slightly avoided, not daring to look at him.

But he pressed her face forcefully, forcing her to face herself squarely.

Just like this, with calm eyebrows and eyes, looking at her, his tone was neither salty nor dull: "In the end, did you kill me?"

"." The little princess's beautiful black and white eyes shone slightly.

Looking at him quietly, there was a moment of silence.

The man didn't seem to be in a hurry, he just looked at her calmly, his pale face looked sick like a ghost.

Waiting for her answer, her phoenix eyes were deep.

Lying there, Yun Si could feel the chill on his palm.

It was cold to the bone and frighteningly cold.

She must look at him.

There was an indescribably weird atmosphere between the two of them.





In the end, it was she who raised her lips, raised her head and kissed him, with a low voice:

"Fool, why am I willing to kill you?"

He is the person she cares about the most, even if she kills herself, she can't kill him.

The little princess hugged him, and said in a natural tone, "I didn't kill him, no matter what, you are mine, and I will protect you well."

The man lowered his eyelids, his eyes were light, "Didn't you dream that I killed many people?"

She should think he is a bad guy.

Yun Si hummed, but pretended to be thinking.

After thinking for a while, she said:
"Pei Jie, haven't you heard a word?"

(End of this chapter)

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