Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1474 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1474 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (44)

"God. God here is the so-called cold and ruthless God, the most selfish God without emotion."

"Yunsi, you don't really think that you are his only one?"

"Go away—"

The red-eyed beauty flicked her sleeves, and a savage divine power flew straight over.

Almost put him to death.

Lord Demon Emperor couldn't catch another move, and immediately rolled over to avoid it.

The red-eyed hell beauty disappeared directly in this place.

never see again.

The Lord Devil Emperor who stayed where he was, glanced at the closed door, and then excitedly chased after him.

Like a dog that can't be shaken off.

The red-eyed beauty was sitting in the Changning Palace, holding the cold porcelain bone knife in her hand, and hadn't spoken for a long time.

And the Devil Emperor, dressed in a dark and eerie dark robe, stood there, slowly looking at this luxurious palace, with a strange tone of voice.

"Yun Si, Yun Si, you are really innocent."

"Just a small room like this can make you so happy that you're willing to die for him."

"If the deity is you, the deity will feel worthless."

"I reminded you before, the gods in the temple are all hypocritical and selfish."

"Don't look at their sanctimonious appearance on weekdays, in fact, all of them are very fake."

"If you hadn't noticed it today and found out that he was having an affair with another woman, judging by the level of proficiency, I'm afraid it has already started?"

Lord Demon Emperor wiped the knife on her heart over and over again.

I'm afraid she won't respond.

Sitting there without speaking for a long time, the demon of the other side tightly held the exquisite porcelain bone knife in his hand, his eyes were icy cold.

It was as if he was greatly restraining and suppressing his anger.

Lord Demon Emperor still felt that the fuel was not enough, so he continued to add fuel to the fire.

"Yunsi, Yunsi, you should listen to the deity and cripple his divine power. In this way, he can be obedient and listen to you."

"As long as he becomes your scepter, he can do whatever you ask him to do in the future, and he will never dare to disobey."

"Even, you can still tie him down, vent your anger, do whatever you want, only you follow, as long as—"

"Okay, I'll do it."

The flower demon on the other side held the knife and suddenly made a sound.

The delicate and gorgeous eyebrows are cold, with a strong murderous intent.

He stood up, holding the handle of the knife tightly in his hand, almost crushing it.

"I want him to live, no, like, to die."

She said every word, with monstrous hatred.

From love to hate is the most poisonous weapon.

The world was right.

Lord Devil Emperor's weird and sinister smile widened, very satisfied.

"Go, go and bring him back and teach him a good lesson."

"Let him see who is his master."

Lord Demon Emperor is very satisfied with Ai Ping.

He didn't expect that Ai Ping's charm has been cultivated to such a proficient level.

Transformed into the appearance of Yunsi, he easily hooked Jun Jiuge into his hand.

When Ai Ping came back, her cheeks were still pink, and she staggered when she walked, as if she had collapsed.

Lord Demon Emperor was in a good mood, he simply praised her a few words, and let her go to rest.

She didn't notice any excessive strangeness on Ai Ping's body.

He disappeared all the way, followed Yunsi, and watched her walk into Linhua Hall.

The ice-cold beauty tinged with anger, even when she is angry, is still fresh and charming, making people scratch their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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