Chapter 1484 Peach Forest (9)

"." Yun Si lay in the sea of ​​flowers and laughed.

I don't know what I'm laughing at.

"Do you think this is a good man?"

Yun Yan nodded seriously.

"Oh, yes, there is another very important point. He will protect you well and regard your life as more important than his own."

"In short, I will never let you wash your hands and toss you like that man."

He still remembers that incident firmly, and he can't get over it.

"..." Yun Si raised her lips, and her gaze refocused on the red sky.

Quiet, I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Sister, it's really not good, let's change someone?"

"The so-called three-legged toads are hard to find, but there are many men with two legs. Why do you have to hang yourself on a tree?"

Yun Si didn't look at him, but raised her hand and knocked him on the head.

"You just think I'm stupid, I just fell in love with the only one among so many trees."

Yun Yan couldn't help but said: "But he treated you badly, why do you still do it?"

"Yun Yan, he didn't treat me badly."

Yun Si looked at him helplessly, "Really, he treats me really well."

No one has ever treated her better than him.

"." Yun Yan didn't speak, obviously he didn't think so in his heart.

Granny Meng, who was eavesdropping in the distance, knocked on the big soup pot and yelled: "Stinky girl, just tell the truth, what happened?"

"Did that man bully you? Or did he change his mind and find another woman?"

Before Yun Si could speak, Yun Yan exploded immediately.

"You just changed your mind, and your whole family has changed their minds!"

"My sister is so good-looking, kind and gentle, why should he change his mind!?"

Meng Po: ".Good, kind?"

She was so scared that she dropped her spoon.

Yun Yan snorted and puffed out her chest proudly: "My sister is kind."

"The kindest girl in the world."

I don't know where he got the confidence to say this.

Yun Si lay there, smiling lightly, without speaking.

On the contrary, she felt that this junior was really inexplicable.

She lay down for a while, then sat up again, and looked at Granny Meng, who was still bent over, struggling to pick up the spoon.

Stared at her for a moment, then stood up and ran over.


With a sudden cry, the spoon Po Meng just picked up was so frightened that she dropped it again.

"What are you doing?"

She stared at her warily, and picked up the large spoon beside her.

This is her weapon. If any restless ghost wants to steal her Mengpo soup, she will take a big spoon and slap it down hard.

Show no mercy.

But now, what she is facing is Yun Si whose force value is overwhelmed.

Yun Si snatched her spoon.

"Ask you a question, and I'll leave after you answer."


"Grandma, I heard that you have a good eye for men. I want you to help me find out. How about mine? Is it a good match for me?"

"." Granny Meng waved her hand, avoiding her, "Nie Yuan Nie Yuan, what kind of bullshit marriage!"

She cursed.

Yun Si's smiling face froze, and she looked at her expressionlessly.

"Say it again, why?"

While speaking, the big spoon in his hand seemed to be about to break.

Granny Meng:! ! !
"A good match, a perfect match!"

"No one in the world is more compatible than the two of you! Really!"


"Really! It's more real than pearls!"

Only then did the certain person, who must be revenged, throw the big spoon on the ground, snorted coldly, and turned around.

"It's almost there."

(End of this chapter)

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