Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1492 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty

Chapter 1492 Don’t Love Country and Love Beauty (50)

He leaned on her belly, his bright red lips parted slightly, as if he had smiled.

Looking up at her with deep phoenix eyes, the gloomy aura seemed to ease a little.

"It's good that Si Si is fine."

Worrying for days and nights.

It's all right now, so I naturally let go of my heart.

"." The little princess looked at him with her hands on her hips.

He stared intently for a while, then narrowed his eyes as if thinking of something.

"You don't think I'm pregnant, that's why you handed over the dictionary to the emperor, and you want to disarm and return to the fields?"

He didn't speak.

He pulled her over, pulled her into his arms, and sat on his lap.

Yun Si felt that all this made sense.

No wonder, last night he asked her if there was any place she wanted to go, and if there was any discomfort in her.

The movements are all careful and gentle, much gentler than before.

When I left this morning, I always touched her belly.

At the time, she thought it was because she had gained weight and the flesh on her stomach had become more fleshy.

Thinking about it now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"Do you not want me to be pregnant?"

She looked at his downcast eyes, and she didn't look very disappointed.

The man rubbed her belly, narrowed his eyes to look at her, and asked indifferently: "What do you think?"

".You don't like children?"

A pale and beautiful man with bright red lips.

"do not like."

Three words, calm and indifferent.

The little princess sitting in his arms gave a meal.

"Kids are troublesome, I don't like it," he said.

"." The little princess pursed her lips, "Then, if I'm really pregnant, don't you... don't want it?"

He lowered his phoenix eyes, with long eyelashes.

Holding her hand, pinching the soft flesh of her palm, said lightly: "Look at you."

"If you want, you can live."

".But you don't like it?" She couldn't help asking.

The cold and pale man looked at her with dim eyes.

"If you want it, we will."

"If you like it, I will like it."

He will love his house and his crow and take good care of his children.

"." The little princess' eyes flickered.

It seemed like the first time she had asked him about his child.

His answer was beyond her expectation.

He is Jiuge, even though he lost his memory, he is still Jiuge.

Many of their habits and subconscious minds are the same, such as love to be clean, love to be tidy, like everything to be in order, etc.
Now he says he doesn't like children, so to some extent, she can also think that
Jiuge, don't you like children?

She couldn't help it, and leaned over to rub against him.

"Why don't you like children? Children are small and soft, don't you like them?"

He looked at her quietly, closing his eyes.



"Because of trouble."


The little princess suddenly didn't know what reason to refute.


She thought about the benefits of having children, trying in vain to overthrow his point of view.

After thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't think of anything good about the child.

At least, she didn't think there was anything good about the child.

Especially children aged three, four, five, six, seven, eight, who love to cry and make trouble, she finds it annoying to watch.

"Well, it's really troublesome."

She was buried again in his arms.

"Then, now that I'm not pregnant, do you still want to ask the emperor to resign?"

He hummed, and said in a flat voice, "he has grown up and can be independent."

"If you get used to relying on me for everything, it will be detrimental to his governance."

(End of this chapter)

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