Chapter 1509 Imprisonment (14)

Yun Si: ... Hiss...

Is he a dog?

She felt a little pain, and felt that her mouth was about to be bitten to the skin.

And the man, who was extremely cloudy and uncertain, pressed her down, almost taking away all her breath.

The slender fingers of the little beauty who was being pressed lay powerlessly aside, trembling slightly.

She wanted to make a sound, but the poor whimper was drowned in the sound of heavy breathing, which was hard to catch.

The long and graceful hair is scattered on the white bed, and the thin white fingers are as weak as dodder flowers.

The eyes of those whose vision was completely blocked were pitch black.

The perception of the five sense organs is infinitely magnified, and one can only feel the scorching heat of the person on the body.

Like the magma erupting from a volcano, it almost burned her whole body.

At this time, outside the window, it was snowing again at some point.

Heavy snow fell on the ground one after another, and the cold wind was as sharp as a knife.

The dim night sky was illuminated by the lights of the city, but it was still cold and not even half temperature.

Only in the brightly lit house, the air conditioner was blowing.

The heating is brimming with warmth like spring.

It almost makes people intoxicated in this warm world, so hard to wake up.





Yun Si didn't know when she fell asleep.

Because of being blindfolded, she doesn't know day and night.

I only felt sleepy, tiredness, and consciousness gradually became hazy.

The man's body was so hot that she could even feel the heat of a branding iron.

When the strong arms imprisoned her, she was kept in his arms forever like an angel whose wings had been broken off.

It's hard to escape.

Suddenly, Yun Si licked her dry lips and murmured thirsty.

This time, the pervert didn't make things difficult for her,

Not long after, a stream of sweet water was fed into her mouth.

She swallowed it almost immediately, and even lingered on it.

Like a fish dying of thirst.

In a daze, she felt as if she could move.

The blindfold was also removed.

But it was still dark all around, and all the lights in the apartment were turned off.

The environment was dead silent.

Only the hot body that still hugs her is swearing that he is still there.

Still strongly detaining her.

Yun Si closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling.

Struggling with sleepiness, when she wanted to open her eyes to take a look, she didn't want to, and the perverted hand slowly landed on the back of her neck.

He pinched it gently, as if he was pinching her lifeline.

The body could not move again.

Yun Si: "..."

your uncle.





A night without dreams.

When I woke up again, there was no one else in the room.

Yun Si buried herself in the soft blanket, rubbed her eyes, opened half of the slits, and scanned the surroundings.

Sure enough, he was gone.

She yawned lazily, resting her head with one hand, not speaking.

Sick, but still sleepy.

The whole person was listless, as if he hadn't slept all night.

Seeing no one around, she dozed off for a while, then pulled up the quilt to cover herself.

Keep sleeping.






In the afternoon, Li Mo's phone call finally got through.

When the phone call sounded, the big stone in her heart was only half put down, and the movements of her hands were also put down.

"Little ancestor, thank God, you finally answered the phone."

"...Well, what's the matter?"

The female voice on the phone was still sleepy, lazy and lacking energy.

(End of this chapter)

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