Chapter 1517 Imprisonment (22)

"..." With her mouth covered, Yun Si felt her wrist was bitten.

Some pain, it seems to have left a mark.

He said: "If you don't behave well next time, don't blame me for doing more things..."

His fingers circled her waist indistinctly, with an extremely obvious warning.

Yun Si didn't say a word, as if she had listened, but also as if she hadn't listened at all.





Big Year.

It's time for Yun Si to go to work.

As a star, she doesn't have many holidays.

Coupled with the fact that the crew had to catch up with the schedule, the staff began to arrange the venue early.

Li Mo came back on the second day of the Lunar New Year, together with his little assistant.

Because she was worried that it would be unsafe for Yun Si to be alone in the apartment, Li Mo rushed this way after getting off the plane without even packing her luggage.

When the door opened, Yun Si with disheveled hair inside was still yawning and sleepy.

Li Mo was stunned for a moment, then poked his head around and looked behind her.

"Is there anyone else in the apartment?"

Yun Si, who was wearing fluffy pajamas, rubbed her eyes, "No, I'm the only one."

Li Mo was silent for a moment, as if she didn't know what to say.

After entering the apartment, she looked around, but she did not see anyone else.

Yun Si straightened her hair, "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

"..." There is indeed a problem.

Li Mo seemed a little reluctant to speak out.

"Are you in love?"

Yun Si blinked.

Li Mo pointed in the direction of her neck.

"You won't tell me that these are made by mosquitoes?"

"..." Yun Si paused suddenly.

As if she had realized something, she quickly walked back to the room and came to the mirror.

I brushed my hair back and saw that my neck was covered with...


Damn, forget about this.

Yun Si immediately let down her hair and covered it up.

When she came out again, Li Mo saw that she had changed into a turtleneck sweater.

With disheveled hair, as long as you don't raise your head deliberately, you won't see the marks on your neck again.

Li Mo gradually became serious: "Are you really in a relationship? Are you still—living together?"

Yun Si was silent for a while, as if acquiescing.

"You! You—"

Li Mo really didn't expect that she would give her such a big surprise just after the new year.

It is taboo for a female star to fall in love, and it will affect the future development of the drama.

Li Mo looked towards the bedroom behind her, "Is he here now, or has he gone?"

Yun Si poured a cup of tea and walked over to pass it to her.

"He's not here, I'm alone here."

"..." Li Mo was almost mad at her.

"Really? It's only been a few days and you've developed so fast?"

"Who is the other party? In the circle? Have you been photographed by reporters in the past two days?"

"..." Yun Si touched her nose and said honestly, "I don't know."

Don't know his identity, don't know his age, don't even know his appearance.

Know nothing, just know a name.

Li Mo was stunned for a moment, but didn't react, "No...don't know?"

"You don't know who he is?"


"..." Li Mo almost laughed angrily.

She covered her forehead with one hand, as if controlling her emotions.

After pressing for a while, she asked again: "Who is the other party, you really don't know?"

Yun Si thought for a while, "He... should be an outsider."

After all, in the circle, she has not heard of anyone named Qin Qing yet.

(End of this chapter)

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