Chapter 1523 Imprisonment (28)

Maybe the pervert had let his guard down, or maybe it was because he didn't know that her eyes had good vision even at night.

This time, he didn't cover her eyes.

Instead, he gently held her face and kissed her eyebrows and facial features.

Like the strongest and most throat-burning wine, the temperature is lingering and strong.

Yun Si looked at him who was close at hand, her eyes trembled slightly.

He raised his hands on both sides.

As if tentatively, wanting to touch him.

When soft and slender hands gently touched his face, his movements paused for a moment.

He stared at her with dark eyes that looked like death, and the sound of heavy breathing almost completely enveloped her.

Can't escape.

The beautiful and flamboyant enchantress gently stroked his face.

The touch under his hands is rough and uneven, with scars everywhere, extremely rough.

She watched quietly with her beautiful eyes, but her movements were extremely gentle, as if she was treating the most cherished baby, and she was reluctant to use any force.

In the darkness, the lower half of his face could almost be described as terrifyingly mottled, wrinkled and ugly, like a senile old man in his nineties.

The scars on it seemed to be left after experiencing painful burning.

Even the shape of the lips has been deformed, and they are abruptly tight.

The broken light at the bottom of her eyes flickered slightly, and the eye sockets seemed to be a little red.

Biting his lips slightly, he didn't speak, and seemed to be very sad.

But the pervert didn't know the change in her mood at the moment.

In other words, even if he felt it, he only thought that she was afraid of him, hated him, and despised him.

He snorted coldly, grabbed her wrist, and pressed her hands to his sides.

Continue to block her lips, as always, strong and burning.

He said: "Don't think about fleeing, even if you get here, I can still find you."

"So be good, my darling."

"Otherwise... I will let your so-called boyfriend... die without a place to bury him."

He was in her ear, with a very strange tone of voice.

Sharp and harsh.

Like a warning, but also like a threat.

Yun Si lowered her eyes, didn't speak, just sucked her sore nose.

I don't know if he was scared to cry.

He paused, and covered her eyes with cool fingers.

After touching the light wetness, his mood seemed to become a little anxious in an instant.

"What are you crying for?"

He wiped away her tears almost subconsciously.

The crushed person sniffed again, and the sound seemed louder.

Tears also came out.

When warm tears were about to flow out of her eyes, the agitated pervert wiped them away forcefully.

"Don't cry, cry any more, believe it or not, I'll kill you now?"

He thought it would intimidate her.

But she didn't want to, the next second, her tears fell even more violently.

The big ones are dropped, as if they don't want money.

Sobbing and crying, as if being wronged by the sky, pouring out.

The abnormal mood became manic almost at that moment.

She is like his reassurance pill, if she is not in the right mood, he will be like a raging lion, unable to control his behavior.

She was crying all the time, and the tears fell on his hands, almost scalding him, the pain was terrible.

He was clumsy and wanted to cover her mouth, but he was afraid of blocking her breathing.

He kept wiping her tears and growled, "Don't cry, don't cry."

But Yun Si was still crying.

Cry like a tearful man.

(End of this chapter)

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