Chapter 1525 Imprisonment (30)

"..." Mr. Pervert almost subconsciously stuffed her into his arms.

Covering her sight, like deceiving her ears, not letting her see.

His heartbeat was chaotic for a moment, but it was very clear in the silent surroundings.

The person who was carried in his arms blinked silently and did not speak.

The hand was still lightly resting on his waist, maintaining the previous posture.

And Mr. Pervert didn't speak.

He held her slightly stiffly, rubbed her head, and fell silent for a while.

Dead silence.




On the wall, the hour hand is passing by every minute and every second, and the sun outside the window is getting stronger and stronger.

The golden light and shadow sprinkled on the curtain, and there was still a cold wind blowing outside the window.

Warmth and cold are intertwined, but in an instant, they become very harmonious.

A different kind of harmony.

Yun Si finally got up, pushed away the man who had been silent all this time, and got up to take a shower.

When she came out of the bathroom after changing clothes, she saw the thin and tall man standing there barefoot, with a mask already on his face.

The dark and temperatureless eyeballs just stared at her steadfastly, her complexion was as pale as transparent.

The mouth that always spoke threatening words on weekdays seemed to be dumb at the moment.

Can't make a sound.

Yun Si glanced at the time on the phone.

It's almost time, if you don't go out, Sister Li should be in a hurry.

She raised her eyes and looked at the man standing barefoot on the ground expressionlessly.

After a pause of two seconds, she asked, "Do you want to stay here?"

The man in the black mask moved his dark eyeballs.

Her too flat tone made him feel a little anxious.

Anxious like a headless chicken.

He stared at her, moving his lips.

Taking a step forward, he gently grabbed her sleeve.

Like a beast showing weakness, it raised its tail and begged for mercy.

No self-respect at all.

Yun Si glanced at him flatly, then looked at him coolly.

Raising his hand, he shook off his hand directly.

Keep your distance.

This move directly made the man's emotions even more wrong, and his brows and eyes seemed to become dark and twisted for a moment.

He was very restless, like a wild animal trapped in a cage, constantly bumping around.

Some frantic emotions made it almost difficult for him to control his expression.

The drooping hand clenches and releases, releases and clenches.

His chest heaved violently, and his breathing sounded a little rough.

Staring straight at her, shoulders slightly arched, back tensed.

It is a manifestation of a highly depressed state of mind, like a balloon that is constantly inflating.

As long as a tiny needle is needed, it will explode.

Yun Si looked at him calmly, then lowered her eyelids, as if she was thinking about something.

Finally, she took out a room card from her pocket and handed it over.

"This is the card that came in. I will live in this room for the next few months."

"I'll be back tonight, you can think about how to explain it to me."

After the words fell, he seemed to be stunned, staring at her.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Yun Si stuffed the card into his hand.

Turning on the phone and checking the time, before he could make a move, he was suddenly hugged.

Hug deeply and keep tightening.

"..." Yun Si held the phone, her hands were down, and she looked ahead quietly.

Through the mask, he seemed to kiss her.

Very light, very light, with a bit of care and flattery.

(End of this chapter)

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