Chapter 1529 Imprisonment (34)

She was silent for a while, pretending not to see it, and lowered her head again.

I felt a little relieved.

Fortunately, we didn't break up right after we got together.

Otherwise, just dealing with this matter would give her a headache.





Back at the hotel, as soon as Yun Si entered the room door, she was hugged.

A certain thin-looking man can turn out to be astonishingly big when he exerts his strength.

There is a feeling of being unable to break free.

Yun Si glanced sideways at him, her temperature was cool.

The man helped her take off her sunglasses and mask.

Turn her over, hold her face in his hands, and stroke her gently.

"I've figured out an explanation."

He stared at her with dark eyes and said.

"..." The beautiful eyes of the person in front of him met him, extremely calm.

"I wanted to get close to you so much, but I did it in the wrong way. It was my fault."

"But..." He stepped forward and gradually approached her, "I really don't know how to get close to you and touch you."

Yun Si was startled, and backed away.

He moved on.

"You are too far away from me, so far away that it seems that no matter how hard I chase, I can't catch up."

"I really don't know what to do, because I really want to get close to you and get you."

"..." Yun Si was directly forced to the side of the sofa.

As if he didn't realize it, he continued to say softly, "I was wrong, and I should not have lied to you."


Even if he was asked to do it all over again, he would still make the same choice.

He wants to get her, no matter...

Use some obscure method.

"..." Yun Si was forced to sit on the sofa and stared at him.

But he didn't seem to want to do anything to her, he just knelt down on one knee slowly, grabbed her hand, and put it on the mask he was wearing.

Dingding looked at her, grabbed her hand, and gently rubbed against her palm.

Like a docile beast that has its fangs pulled out and is being flattered.

It makes people feel uneasy.

"I'm scared, Si Si."

He rubbed her palm and said softly.

"I'm afraid that Si Si will dislike me."

"In the future, I can always wear a mask without showing it."

"So Sisi... can you not dislike me?"

His eyelashes drooped slightly, embellishing those gentle and soft phoenix eyes.

Just rubbing against her flatteringly, without showing any frightening appearance.

Even, it's easy for people not to be able to help but soften their hearts.

Sitting on the sofa, Yun Si looked down at this man who was deliberately suppressing his hostility and begging to be good-looking, without saying a word.

His eyes were indifferent, looking at him as if looking at a stranger.

He behaved very well at the moment, like a tamed wolf.

The delicate and elegant eyebrows and eyes are slightly bent, showing the appearance of bowing down.

But Yun Si knew that it was impossible for him to change.

A person's personality cannot be changed in a day.

Especially... him.

Yun Si slowly bent down, her beautiful eyes were full of coolness.

Through the mask, he gently stroked his face, neither light nor heavy.

When the fingertips slid across and slowly fell behind his ears, the man's eyes changed for a moment.

Sharp-edged and full of hostility.

The enchantress who took the initiative took off his mask unhurriedly.

Immediately, half of his ugly face was revealed.

Like a ghost, ravines intertwined, wrinkled like an old woman, extremely disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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