Chapter 1543 Imprisonment (48)

Li Mo didn't know how to refuse.

However, Yunsi didn't care about his meddling, instead she trusted him and was willing to entrust him with everything.

Li Mo felt that he was about to lose his job.

"Then... what should I do then?"

Poor little assistant wants to keep this easy job.

"Why don't you talk to Mr. Qin and give us some work?"

"..." Li Mo looked at the man, who was wearing a mask, and kept staring at Yun Si.

During the filming break, he brought water and fed her himself.

She was meticulous and completely regarded her as a baby who couldn't take care of herself.

Li Mo didn't speak, but felt in her heart... hanging.

Especially... She always felt that that man had some mental problems.

In the entertainment circle, she has met a lot of people, and she has also met a lot of people with some psychological problems.

Only him, what was revealed in those eyes was a kind of extreme.

Strong extremes, or it can be said that it is a paranoid personality.

He doesn't care about anything, except for Yun Si, his possessiveness is almost to a perverted level.

Shocking, but also chilling.

Li Mo didn't dare to pierce his face, because she had a strong instinct telling her that he would take revenge.

And the means of revenge, she dare not imagine.

Obviously he has nothing, and the condition looks very ordinary.

But she just felt inexplicably that he was dangerous.

danger not to be approached.

Li Mo looked away, and patted the little assistant comfortingly, "Don't worry, Si Si is not the kind of person who will fire you casually."

"As long as you don't make any mistakes, she won't make things difficult for you."

The little assistant had a bitter face, "I'm not worried about Sister Si Si, but—"

Mr. Qin.

She is really suffering and can't tell.





On the day when Bai Ling came to knock on the door, the little assistant witnessed the whole process.

She got out of the elevator, thinking about going to help with the luggage.

But she didn't want to, she saw that Mr. Qin, who was supposed to be gentle and polite in her impression, stepped on the woman on the ground as if he was crushing a screaming mouse, and his movements were slow.

In the entire empty corridor, the screams were extremely shrill, as if they were enduring enormous and indescribable pain.

The half-uncovered face of that tall man looked like a ghost walking out of hell, so horrifying.

He seemed to be laughing, but also seemed to be in a state of madness and selflessness.

The more painful the woman on the ground screamed, the more excited he was and the harder he struck.

The footsteps became heavier and heavier, and in the empty corridor, there seemed to be the sound of bones breaking and flesh and blood mingling.

The lights flickered on and off, and the wires were leaking.

His pale and distorted face, his terrifying smile.

The whole picture is extremely horrifying, just like the reincarnation of a horror movie, disappearing and destroying.

The little assistant who witnessed that scene, his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground.

Covering his mouth, he suppressed the physiological scream that was about to burst out.

That incomparably ugly man was extremely ruthless.

It wasn't until there was no sound from the people on the ground that he raised his feet unhurriedly, and his eyes seemed to be looking in a certain direction inadvertently.

The little assistant shrank his head in fright and hid there, not daring to say a word, trembling like a sieve.

The corridor quickly fell silent.

The lighting has also become normal.

The little assistant held her head and waited for a while.

As if feeling safe, she raised her head cautiously and tentatively.

(End of this chapter)

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